
Guitar with built-in Ethernet

It was only a matter of time. Glad to see it was a Les Paul.



The Blog Conference

On Saturday as the snow continued to accumulate and blow all around I listened to the Journalism, Blogging and Credibility conference at Harvard’s JFK School of Government. It was energizing.

Conference Website


The day after…

What a weekend. The Midwest was hit by the first “Blizzard of 2005” and by the end of the day EastCoasters were feeling the power of the storm.
With many things in life….water always wins.

I was able to spent my morning snowed in my home office in Milwaukee as a series of events developed. Blogging and RSS workshops regarding the next step in a user centered internet was underway out east. In Boston RSS Winterfest was underway along with the “Blogging, Journalism & Credibility” Conference held at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government. So while the snow fell and white-out conditions were appearing outside my window I listen to the audio stream from Harvard and learned that many things in life will change more rapidly today due to the influence of second generation internet publishing tools.

These tools include audio and video. The most popular emerging technology is Podcasting. Have a computer and microphone? Well you can Podcast and allow anyone with a computer or .mp3 player (an iPod perhaps) to listen at their leisure — when they want — when they are ready.

During the conference some voiced statements of credibility regarding blogs and others asked why a blog in the first place.
Remember those same comments with the web was introduced?
Remember those who asked if a webpage was credible or why a company would need a webpage?

Small steps everyone. The web began in small steps. Now that some of the early web technologies have matured they can be applied to blogs and the learning curve has been reduced.


DirecTV: Goodbye Microsoft

DirecTV has passed on Microsoft for core video technology.



WiFi trains in Scandinavia

Taking a train in Sweden? They have WiFi access around Scandinavia (Denmark, Sweden and Norway) running on 85 trains utilizing 3G.

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