
Search engines, bloggers to fight spam

Google, Microsoft, Yahoo and the popular blog tool company Six Apart are supporting ah html tag to remove (or limit) comment-spam from search engines.

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Google launches Picasa

Google has launched Picasa2, a software application that finds the pictures on your computer and creates visual albums to share. OS requirements are Windows only…but do not fret OS X users there is Apple’s iPhoto and your pictures folder….And if you want iPhoto to automatically push photos to your blog – then pickup Daikini and you’ll be off and running



Dunkin Donuts WiFI

2 Donuts, Coffee and WiFi at a couple Chicago stores.

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Virtual Reality

1st Titan Moon VR!

Less than 48 hours after landing a interactive VR of the moon of Titan is now available for you to scan the surface of a moon 900 million miles away from Earth. Enjoy!

Titan moon VR


Fine Art in 2005

Because Fine Art matters — it has always made a difference. It is not something you look at on your monitor but rather an event you experience in person. Check the schedules and empower yourself through Art.

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