
RSS: Your time is now

Over the last couple of months I have been speaking with friends and family who share frustrations about surfing the web for information on a regular basis. They use web bookmarks to return again and again to specific pages for information from movies and television programming to favorite meal recipiets.


At some point we have become all too familiar with the “comfort” of surfing…somewhat aimlessly I must admit for myself. Constant repetition is great for golf but not web surfing….or data surfing to be more specific.

Last year I began using RSS feeds and would sum it all up for friends and family: instead of finding data on webpages by surfing to them one at a time, empower RSS to bring all that information to you all at once.

I have reached a point where I’m trying to move friends and family to the next evolution of content distribution…smart syndication. It will save you time: the call to my brother that is most appealing about RSS as he takes care of my niece and nephew.

And the best news – RSS has embraced media types from audio podcasts and video to illustration, photography and all those CSS galleries.

The 2006 English tennis Wimbledon have even announced RSS feed.

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One reply on “RSS: Your time is now”

Eh, I use RSS and there’s still nothing interesting on the internet ;) Tell your friends and family about Wikipedia. What sort of information are they looking for anyway?

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