Artificial Intelligence Education Reading

Latest Read: Leading with AI and Analytics

Leading with AI and Analytics: Build Your Data Science IQ to Drive Business Value by Eric Anderson and Florian Zettelmeyer.

Leading with AI and Analytics: Build Your Data Science IQ to Drive Business Value by Eric Anderson and Florian Zettelmeyer

Eric is Professor of Marketing, former Chair of the Marketing Department and Director of the Kellogg-McCormick MBAi Program at Northwestern University. He holds a PhD in Management Science from MIT and has taught previously at the University of Chicago and the University of Rochester.

Florian is Professor of Marketing at Northwestern University and directs the Program on Data Analytics. He holds a PhD in Marketing from MIT and previously taught at the University of California at Berkeley, while also briefly working at McKinsey. He is a senior science leader at Amazon leading their Advertising Economics organization.

A very well written book with a targeted audience for organizational leadership. This wonderful introduction is addressing AI and business analytics for leaders who actually rely upon senior managers to execute analytics for their organization.

Perhaps no better example of establishing a comprehensive plan to deploy an Artificial Intelligence Analytics (AIA) Framework. In fact, the key for organizational leadership is to understand what is going on with your data. Ultimately this will provide insights to support any organization’s integration of AI services within their digital transformation.

Design Education Innovation Network Reading Technology

Latest read: The Data Science Handbook

The recent pre-release of The Data Science Handbook is a fast, easy read. There is nothing better in business today than the still exploding market of data science. While some marketing statements indicate many are trying data science, here are the voices of recognized data science leaders. I have read my share of data science and big data books as well but like the direction of this pre-release.

The Data Science Handbook Pre-ReleaseMaturing technologies like Hadoop and even MapReduce prove yesterday was the time for every organization, business unit and non-profit to understand how data science is fundamentally changing the game.

Data Science hits your data sweet spot due to the ability of large systems to process your data in real-time. Notice how Microsoft is acquiring data science companies?

Data Science was just in its early stages not more than 10 years ago. Yahoo and Google helped move this forward. Even “legacy” companies like Sears Holdings understands the impact of MapReduce and Hadoop, they are well outside Silicon Valley. Just wait until some great advancements for public health are established by non-profits as a result of implement data science to forecast their business.

There is a great deal of excitement as the full release publication date inches closer. Cannot wait to see this book ship.