HBR’s 10 Must Reads on AI by Harvard Business Review. If you read nothing else on AI and machine learning, start here.

This new release (September 2023) is certainly providing the most insightful articles by Tom Davenport, Marco Iansiti, Tsedal Neeley, and Ajay Agrawal. Each article is presented with three ideas: Problem, Causes, and Solutions.
The collected insights provided a cornerstone for understanding AI and the methods to deploy across any organization.
Perhaps ChatGPT Is a Tipping Point for AI by Ethan Mollick is a perfect article to convey how this service, less than 18th months old is this generation’s Netscape Navigator killer app.
The most important lesson: several articles have been expanded into published books that I find to be must reads. Organizations must digest their writing in order to fully understand the current world of AI.
To that end, today’s highly connected internet is much more robust than it was 30 years ago when the browser appeared and forever changed the world. But threats by foreign countries and organizations that push misinformation will confuse many. That is the difference to Netscape’s introduction.
AI 101
So, in 2023 our world has been spinning around via ChatGPT. As this AI service is approaching a first anniversary, as as an infant ChatGPT is certainly showing its age. Yet, there are critical elements that we have been simply overlooking. And tehy are cetainly costly. It matches our click mindset for immediate access and damn the torpedos.
Yet, if you ask Samsung there is a very hard stop to blocking Chat GPT across their company networks. Nevertheless, organizational strategy cannot ignore their writing: Competing in the Age of AI, The Digital Mindset, and Working with AI:
Get running on solid ground
In conclusion, HBR’s 10 Must Reads on AI is simply mandatory reading. Organizational leaders will find the insights that drive big ideas regarding AI. This will certainly accelerate an organization’s growth. Do not overlook this publication, your organization will be falling behind as our global pivot to AI simply accelerates.