A World Without Email: Reimagining Work in an Age of Communication Overload by Cal Newport, an associate professor of computer science at Georgetown University.

Certainly glad to read this book at the end of 2021. So, the holiday provided a much needed opportunity for refection on the role of email across my organization.
There will be dozens of reference points while reading this book that will provide insights to your organization’s culture. This will reveal approaches to email versus a meeting-driven culture.
In addition, Cal is straight forward about how attempts like ‘Email free Fridays’ actually do more harm than good. Above all, this compliments Ozan Varol’s book How to Think Like a Rocket Scientist. Inspirational ideas to make organizations see efficiencies.
The key message throughout the book is the “hyperactive hive mind” which certainly indicates the impact of how your organization is managing communications.
In addition, this refers to the approach of deliberate advanced planning and the impact of tasks coordinated with ad-hoc messaging between teams, internal customers and key stakeholders.
New platforms for task-based communications
Cal brings email’s failure to light. This certainly becomes clear with new services including Slack, Trello, or Jira. These tools will certainly surprise many organizations outside fo software programming companies who rely upon these key features to make communications task based and focused.
Email culture
In addition, Cal is writing about organizational dysfunction. Legacy approaches to email can certainly make this a mountain to climb. You may find yourself seeing more clearly how your own organization falls into any one of the many traps outlined that impact the bottom line.
In conclusion, I would recommend this book. Because reading this book may cause you to reflect upon your organization’s culture. You may discover along the way how messaging is used (or misused) is making a big impact beyond the bottom line. An excellent read for all.
Lex Fridman Podcast | Cal Newport: Deep Work, Focus, Productivity, Email, and Social Media
David Pakman Show | Email is Destroying Your Productivity
Amanpour and Company | Over-Communicating at Work? Cal Newport Argues for a World Without Email
Journey Further | A World Without Email with Cal Newport