Design Education Technology

Adobe CS3 launch

It was an impressive start. Adobe spent two years and over 80 million lines of code to update their Creative Suite. The new upgrades to Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash and the other Adobe + Macromedia products sure made a splash.

adobe chart

Interested to see where they are moving?  The impact of mobile solutions has never been more apparent.  Since Adobe is leading with support in their new tools, the creative community better follow.

The rollout of CS3 was off and running in NYC when they lost video to their webcast and studio audiences. bummer. After a break they were still not able to get
video working but the damage killed the buzz. And when they stated online the video would be available…still cannot find it today.

The product mix is similar to Microsoft’s Vista: Six different versions of CS3. Some shipping in April…others shipping sometime in 2007.

Technorati Tags: Adobe, , Flash, CS3