
Mass marketing is dying

The internet provides the ability to create 100% of an individual’s information space. Welcome “Personal Media” where people fill their info space with only what they want.

Nielson Media Research’s efforts to track Tivo and DirectTV viewing habits is already a solid step in this direction.

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Coke’s social networking

An interview with Mark H. Dooley, interactive brand manager for The Coca-Cola Company’s Coca-Cola Classic, Coke C2 and Powerade brands.. Dooley has been helping to craft online campaigns and messaging for consumer brands since 1999, and manages all CRM, online promotions and Web activities for his Coca-Cola brands. He recently led the online launch for the company’s Berryclear Sprite ReMix and FLAVA 23 line extensions.

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Virtual Reality

NYTimes VR archives

The New York Times has kept an archive of VRs shot by their staff. Today they include updates for the Republican convention and George Bush’s acceptance of the nomination.

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650 million cell phones in 2004?

Yes, global handset sales rose to record levels.

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3G going into Dallas, San Francisco

AT&T has launched 3G in two cities yesterday. San Diego, Detroit, Phoenix and Seattle are up next.

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