In the mid 1980s CBS Television and The Library of Congress produced a series of 30-second Public Service Announcements (PSA) called Read More About It. Placed at the end of selected television broadcasts, the PSAs served to inspire viewers to read a series of critiqued books from their local library. Today’s students including some of their parents were not even born when these PSAs were first broadcast.

For over 30 years I have held a special privilege of engaging students at The University of Chicago, Marquette University, the University of Wisconsin, The Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design, and The Milwaukee Area Technical College. I recall enlightening conversations regarding books and authors students were reading outside of their assigned syllabus.
In the field of observation, chance favors the prepared mind
Louis Pasteur
Above all, I wish a mentor would have presented me with a selection of books revealing insights that would better prepare me for approaching challenges and opportunities in life.
For those reasons, a collection of noted books and authors that I have read is presented below. I certainly hope these books can serve as a guide for anyone navigating your life’s path in the world we live in today. A select few provide timeless lessons. However, some once highly regarded, are now obsolete.
2008 Financial Crisis


Artificial Intelligence

Behavioral Science


Big Data





Data Analytics

Dien Bien Phu






Objectives and Key Results (OKR)

The Opioid Crisis


The Vietnam War


Not so random….

Stories written by great authors crisscross our lives. Consider how these authors share lessons and ideas regarding society, economics, and globalization.
Chris Anderson

Albert-Laszlo Barabasi

Brené Brown

Nicholas Carr

Jim Collins

Daniel Coyle

Tom Davenport

David Epstein

Tom Friedman

Malcolm Gladwell

Daniel Goleman

Andy Greenberg

David Halberstam

Chip and Dan Heath

Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner

Larry Lessig

Michael Lewis

Fredrik Logevall

Leonard Mlodinow

Matt Parker

Daniel Pink

Clay Shirky

Simon Sinek

Cass Sunstein

David Sumpter

Robert Sutton

Edward Tufte

Bob Woodward

Lawrence Wright