Brave New Words: How AI Will Revolutionize Education by Salman Khan.

Sal holds BS in both mathematics and electrical engineering from MIT. He holds a MS in electrical engineering also from MIT with a MBA from Harvard Business School. Sal founded Khan Academy after tutoring his cousin in mathematics in 2004 and launched online video tutorials in 2006.
He wrote Brave New Worlds in fact for general audiences to teach them about the AI revolution in education. He addresses the implications for parents and how to best address AI for good. Sal starts simple with ChatGPT, showing how it will transform learning. In fact, there is a roadmap addressing teachers, parents, and even students on how to engage our AI world. Sal demonstrates his AI-powered tutoring service Khanmigo which was obviously developed by Khan Academy.
Readers will also appreciate this is not an AI technology book. Sal is laying out the impact upon our society and implications from educational administrators, teachers, and guidance counselors, to hiring managers. Companies will certainly demand employees be AI aware in their education to make their workplace competitive.
Embrace AI in all aspects of life
The core message of the book is to embrace AI and willingly adapt to it. He does state up front that it is not perfect, has flaws (that will be corrected) so do not delay in having your children engage AI tools with the school work they already do today. This will help develop new and creative skills to promote personalize learning. Sal reinforces that AI can serve as a personal tutor, adapting to each student’s individual learning style. He also is stressing how AI has the ability to really improve learning outcomes.
This topic is also address in the following books: The Digital Mindset and Beyond Digital:
In conclusion, I enjoyed Brave New Worlds and feel that he has a good understanding of education and technology. He is recognized as a leading educational voice about reforming educational technology. Sal is a strong advocate for educational equity and accessibility through technology. A simply wonderful read.