Education Globalization Technology

Changes in wind direction

While I will freely admit that I do not watch American Idol, it is no small feat that Carrie Underwood’s exclusive single from iTunes has broken the Billboard Top 10.
american idol itunesThe first time a single available only on iTunes (no CDs from any music reseller — anywhere) debuts at number 6 after selling over 100,000 downloads. This is also an example of the changes in business known as The Long Tail written by Wired Magazine’s Chris Anderson. It proves how iPod sales are now changing the purchasing decisions of music fans.

Remember when the iTunes Music Store suffered a meltdown on Christmas day? Maybe some people still had a balance on their iTunes gift certificates last week.

Tags: iTunes, American Idol, The Long Tail, Billboard, Carrie Underwood, music store, trends

Education Globalization Reading

Latest read: The Looming Tower

Lawrence Wright has written an amazing book that helps us understand al-Qaeda. His book The Looming Tower: al-Qaeda and the road to 9/11 is very well written and as a result very upsetting.  This deservedly won the Pulitzer Prize.
The Looming TowerWould you be surprised to learn foundations of al-Qaeda began from an Egyptian enrolled in grad school at the University of Northern Colorado in 1949? His name was Sayyid Qutb. He began the modern Islamist movement that today is al-Qaeda.

Wright documents the wealth of the bin Laden’s family which provided Osama bin Laden the financial ability to forward his own view of the world through terrorism. Osama bin Laden promoted great myths of Islam defeating massive Soviet troops in Afghanistan to sell his vision…including the dreams of airplanes hitting buildings and his relationship with Ayman al-Zawahiri.

The Looming Tower uncovers frustrating examples of how the US government failed to stop the attacks on 9/11 even when small teams within our intelligence agencies had evidence of the coming attacks. But they were fighting each other. The CIA purposefully withheld evidence from the FBI. This shows how broken our intelligence systems were organized and how they failed America.

Education Milwaukee

Last day of school year

The semester and academic year wrapped up last night for MIAD. There is nothing better than walking the halls of an Art school and seeing the achievements of such a creative group of students.

They are really inspiring…and our Foundations students (freshman) have really excelled in their first group show in MIAD’s East Gallery. There were great works in our senior exhibition which is still available for you to see in the MIAD building until May 12th.

MIAD is also losing two faculty members at the end of this school year with the retirements of Deane Nesbitt and Ron Bitticks. They will really be missed by our students.

Technorati Tags: MIAD, senior exhibit


Hello world!

Welcome to my own WordPress site. Decided to move from so I can edit the blog structure and script elements not permitted at the free hosting site. Looking forward to customized this communication tool. Enjoy! Technorati Profile


David Halberstam RIP

Mr. Halberstam,

Your writing is a true gift. I cannot recall how many times professors would talk about your work and the impact of your writing. The highlight for me was also one of my favorite classes in college: The Vietnam War. This class was taught by one of my favorite professors Dr. Charles Debenedetti. Our class text was Vietnam: A History by Stanley Karnow and Dispatches by Michael Herr. I also read A Bright Shining Lie: John Paul Vann and America in Vietnam by Neil Sheehan.

War in a Time of Peace was an enjoyable read for me and foreshadows the US war in Iraq. For some reason I cannot explain why it took me so long to start The Best and the Brightest. Last night I stopped at page 44 and awoke to hear of your tragic passing. I was stunned and saddened.

Thank you for being a great writer. Writers are heroes.

Tags: , Vietnam, The Best and the Brightest, Charles Debenedetti