Education Globalization Internet2 Technology Virtual Reality WiscNet

Internet2 – 2nd Life session

Fall 2006 Internet2 Member Meeting (Live netcast and video on demand information)
Teaching & Learning in Massively Multiplayer Virtual Worlds: Second Life Adventures in Learning
December 05, 2006, 8:45 AM – 10:00 AM Location: CC11 B
David Antonacci, University of Kansas Medical Center
Marcus Childress, Emporia State University
Jean Gardner, Topeka Shawnee County Public Library
Randy Stout, Kansas Board of Regents

2ndLife Internet2

Second Life had a new announcement at Internet2 yesterday – Cisco is now providing access to their content in Second Life. Not only is this great for education but a nice nudge to those who may not yet see the emerging movement in this virtual world.

Engaging students in virtual worlds for education is the goal of this session. This is also to push 2nd life as a broad communication for engaging faculty for virtual educational programming.

At first 2nd Life gets in the way of your 1st real life and then your first real life gets in the way of your 2nd life!

Opened to the public in 2003 — now over 2 million real users.  2nd Life is so big Congress is actually looking to tax your accounts in 2nd Life.

Technorati Tags: Internet2, Chicago, 2nd Life, trends, virtual, interactive, gaming

Education Globalization Internet2 Milwaukee Technology WiscNet

Internet2 – arrival

Internet2 Fall Conference


The event will be hilighting some of the new academic driven updates to research networks. The K20 Advisory Committee will be looking to update members on some of the new efforts in K12 and Higher Ed around the globe that benefit education and training. We will be video conferencing to Robert Symberlist (Wales UK) for the UKERNA network in the United Kingdom and from Europe’s TERENA network Valentino Cavalli.

PS – They hacked my name badge….Its just like it sounds:   K A S P R Z A K

Technorati Tags: , , , , WiscNet, Ukerna, Terena

Education Internet2 Network Technology WiscNet

Internet2 – The new Internet2

Welcome to the newer Internet2 (as of December 5th 2006) At the annual Fall Member Meeting Internet2 unveiled the first major segment of its new advanced network. NYSERNet, the educational network consortium in New York is the first RON to connect at an amazing 100Gigabit per second between New York, Washington and Chicago!

new internet2
Technorati Tags: Internet2, , NYSERNet

Education Reading

Latest read: Mozart

As a fan of his music this book by Peter Gay Mozart (A Penguin Life) has proved to be of a surprise. Gay is able to account for more personal writings of both Wolfgang and his father than other books regarding Mozart that I have read.
mozartIt was not until I was almost half way through before everything began to get interesting in new documented relationships Mozart established with so many while traveling Europe and how frugal nobles were to both his sister and him while their father was establishing his own private audiences with royals.

This was also more of an acknowledgement of Solomon’s book and even the most recent writings and hit movie. The previously unknown story of how he withheld the death of his mother who was traveling with him showed new sources that have not been known to me previously. In the end Gay’s book will bolster the knowledge and lifestyle of Mozart and his family lead for any fan.

Education Globalization Internet2 Milwaukee Technology WiscNet

WiscNet’s December Regional Meetings

WiscNet’s annual series of statewide Town Hall meetings begin this Friday and run statewide until December 13th!

Superintendents, CIOs, Technology Directors, individuals associated with content, learning and professional development, technical professionals and others have all attended in the past and we all enjoyed a great exchange of ideas on educational technology topics.

wiscnet.gif WiscNet will be updating everyone on our community events. But most important is your opportunity to engage WiscNet. A listening session is set for us to understand your network needs….tell us what’s on your mind! WiscNet Regional Meeting Schedule

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