
The State of the Blogosphere

Technorati’s David Sifry has released his second report on the explosive growth of the blogosphere. The numbers remind me of how Mosiac kicked off the web.

Among the findings in the latest Technorati report:

  • Technorati tracks over 27.2 million blogs
  • Technorati tracks over 50,000 posts per hour
  • Bloggers post 400,000 tags per day
  • The Blogosphere doubles in size every 5 months
  • New blogs are created every second of every day (24/7/365)

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Design Education

Slideware (PowerPoint) corruption

PowerPoint in education. Oxymoron?

We may have slipped into accepting the output of student work with 20 bullets per slide? Why do we allow students to think and speak in bullets? Maybe because they watch their teachers do the same? A friend teaches at an elementary school in Germantown Wisconsin where students learn PowerPoint in 4th grade. Are we hoping little Timmy will become a successful insurance salesmen?

Another misuse of a digital tool.

Ever stop to think why we have so many visually offensive websites cluttering our internet? Teaching students color theory is just as important as teaching them CSS. The world has changed, and the internet has fueled (good or bad) this change. With the over abundance of computers in elementary schools we now understand that PowerPoint reduces verbal communication and misleads analysis.

Many students pass basic communication by using PowerPoint as a crutch.

Please read this essay by Edward Tufte before it’s too late.

I caught myself in this mess. Now I deliver bullet free presentations and the feedback is stronger than ever before…and no more than six words per slide.

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Education Technology

Classroom lecture hall gets hacked

How smart are the college lectures of the future…HD projectors, wireless cameras and smart podiums? Take a look here for a peek. Enjoy.

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Women on the Edge of Culture

An exhibition opening Friday January 20th at MIAD features the work of four female artists blending cultures. Fahimeh Vahdat’s work is a strong, powerful exhibition entitled “What Will Befall Her” depicting two years of research on the physical and psychological violence against women around the world today. Her large-scale powerfully moving drawings documents the world we live in today…not 500 years ago.

You can read a hilight of Milwaukee’s Winter Gallery night via The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel here and watch a seven minute video overview and commentary of MIAD’s exhibition here.

Friday Fahimeh will write stories in her exhibition space beginning at 7:00pm and invite those to contribute their own stories.

Fahimeh’s blog is here
Fahimeh’s Faculty Gallery is here

On Thursday February 2nd MIAD will host a panel discussion with reception. Look for an upcoming Podcast if your outside Milwaukee….and if your in town….Join Us.

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Advertising with Google Maps

Google’s mapping technology has opened the door for a new wave of advertising and visual tagging.
Target gets Google maps
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