
The comfortable medium

Adam Build at MediaPost has put together a number of up-to-date numbers regarding the internet, television and radio:

•Traditional institutions – like offline media, for a not-so-random example – are under intense pressure. Almost everything they do is filtered though a consumer prism of frustration, skepticism and suspicion.

•Network television viewing continues to tumble. Radio listenership is down as much as 20 percent. Newspapers are only read by the soon-to-be-embalmed parents of baby boomers. Magazine circulation is off nearly as much as its ad pages.


Streaming Prospects

MediaPost reports that video and rich media were run last year by two-thirds of advertising companies. While the impact has not yet occurred the problems are identified as platform and content. The known misconception is that an audience for video is too small. Also acknowledged is that many want to run streaming video in proprietary formats, which is the biggest cause for concern. Instead of adopting the MPEG-4 video standard companies are locking their work into several locked down formats that do not play well on the internet’s vast stage.

At the Jupiter Advertising Forum today JupiterResearch has also suggested that most agencies have no idea what to do with on-line video, and that off-line agencies will have to spearhead the process for advertisers.

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Car buyers still turning online

Carmaker Sites Common Destination, Visits Up

More and more car buyers look to the web to help make a purchase decision, according to comscore. Almost 20 million users visited auto manufacturers’ sites in May, up about 20 percent from the year before. One in eight Internet users visited a carmaker’s site. Twice that number visited auto-related sites, and half the number visited both.

Ford proved the most popular among the carmakers, with more than 6 million visitors filing in. General Motors attracted 4.9 million people, and Chrysler brought 4.2 million.


Duke iPods

Duke University is implementing a program this fall providing iPods to incoming freshman with education related content. It’s a solid first step in providing information on-demand to students and integrates the popularity of portable audio in the digital world.