Artificial Intelligence Education Reading

Latest Read: Learn AI-assisted Python Programming

Learn AI-assisted Python Programming: With GitHub Copilot and ChatGPT by Leo Porter and Daniel Zingaro.

Learn AI-assisted Python Programming: With GitHub Copilot and ChatGPT by Leo Porter and Daniel Zingaro

Leo holds an MS and PhD in Computer Science from the University of San Diego and is a Professor in Computer Science and Engineering at University of San Diego. Daniel holds a MS in Computer Science from McMaster University and PhD in Computer Science Education from the University of Toronto and is an Associate Professor at the University of Toronto.

Together, Leo and Daniel are sharing their to provide resources in leveraging both GitHub Copilot and ChatGPT to learn programming. Their book is targeting new users who seek to jump start their Python programming knowledge with modern AI tools.

Both are emphasizing how GitHub Copilot and ChatGPT are certainly delivering Python coding more accessible, breaking down the long held traditional barriers to understanding syntax and focusing on how users can leverage Python to focus on problem solving. This does reveal how AI can update code and correct beginners mistakes.

Artificial Intelligence Education Reading

Latest Read: How AI Works

How AI Works: From Sorcery to Science by Ronald T. Kneusel.

How AI Works: From Sorcery to Science by Ronald T. Kneusel

Ron holds a Ms in Physics from Michigan State University and a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Colorado Boulder. He is a senior data scientist at the Harris Corporation.

This book is one of a select few that address AI for anyone new to the world of this technology. Ron is presenting the right explanation of AI components and teaches users how to see all the pieces together.

The most inviting aspect of his work is there is not a single math equation to confront. Perhaps even more striking (and inviting) readers do not need any understanding of computer programming. Yet, it would be misleading to then think users will not really learn about AI. Ron certainly is delivering without the math and coding.

Readers will be introduced to the relationships of AI’s umbrella components machine learning, and deep learning. To start, Ron is also addressing the history of AI and why now a true revolution has started which will have large impacts across society. This includes the rise of neural networks, how they are trained, and how the magic of ChatGPT works.

Artificial Intelligence Blockchain Education Innovation Reading Technology

Latest Read: Unsupervised

Unsupervised: Navigating and Influencing a World Controlled by Powerful New Technologies by Daniel Doll-Steinberg and Stuart Leaf.

Unsupervised: Navigating and Influencing a World Controlled by Powerful New Technologies by Daniel Doll-Steinberg and Stuart Leaf

Daniel holds a BS in Engineering from The University of Manchester UK and Honorary Senior Research Associate from University College London. He is a lecturer at The Wharton School. He is co-founder and partner at EdenBase. Advisor to the UK Government and European Commission on innovation, growth, and education policy. Stuart holds a BA in Economics and MBA from Stanford. He is co-founder of the Cadogan fund.

Written by experienced technology fund managers, Daniel and Stuart are addressing the broad range of powerful new technologies which are disrupting and transforming everything. In fact their message is simply now is the time that you must act and adapt. This book was named a Bloomberg Best Book of 2023.

At first glance you may consider the focus upon Unsupervised Machine Learning, but that is way off base. Daniel and Stuart are providing an overview of how a core set of disruptive technologies have been developing at an accelerating pace that most of the world is not accustomed to seeing. They also question who is in fact in control of these technologies, and are emphasizing that these have developed for the most part without any supervision.

Artificial Intelligence Education Reading

Latest Read: The Worlds I See

The Worlds I See: Curiosity, Exploration, and Discovery at the Dawn of AI by Fei-Fei Li.

The Worlds I See: Curiosity, Exploration, and Discovery at the Dawn of AI by Fei-Fei Li

Fei-Fei holds a BA in Physics from Princeton University, MS and PhD in Electrical Engineering from California Institute of Technology. She is Professor in the Computer Science Department at Stanford University and Co-Director of Stanford’s Human-Centered AI Institute.

A Former Director of Stanford’s AI Lab she also served as Vice President and Chief Scientist for AI/ML at Google Cloud during her sabbatical from Stanford. She is co-founder of the nonprofit organization AI4ALL, aimed at increasing diversity and inclusion in AI education.

This book is a wonderful story of Fei-Fei’s life including the hardships her family endured leaving China to settle in America and smuggling to get by while a young girl. Another inspiration for the American dream as she took care of her ailing mother who dedicated her life to her daughter.

Throughout the book it is very clear Fei-Fei is moving between AI’s ability to become somewhat alarming to very optimistic to the potential of this technology.

Education Reading

Latest Read: The Innovation Ultimatum

The Innovation Ultimatum: Six Strategic Technologies That Will Reshape Every Business in the 2020s by Steve Brown

The Innovation Ultimatum: Six Strategic Technologies That Will Reshape Every Business in the 2020s by Steve Brown

Steve holds a MSc in Microelectronic Systems From The University of Manchester UK. Today he is a self employed AI Futurist. Previously in marketing roles at Intel and DeepMind.

My organization considered bringing Steve to speak at our annual employee development day. Since his book is available in our Learning Management System, I took the time to understand his position and learn potential impacts upon our organization.

Steve is outlining a guide to six key technologies that promise to reshape society and businessin the coming decade: artificial intelligence (AI), distributed ledgers and blockchain, the Internet of Things (IoT), autonomous machines, virtual and augmented reality, and 5G.

As usual the first to embrace any one will reap the rewards. However this is no longer a hard truth.
Steve does in fact start strong in the first section addressing AI and blockchain. Then the remainder of the book is repetitive and disappointing.