Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men by Caroline Criado Pérez. Caroline is an award-winning and bestselling writer and campaigner. She is a graduate from Oxford University.

The role of a data gap is certainly male leaning. The most difficult task is addressing the data gap bias in cultural diversity across many countries.
What this reveals to me is a bit more complex requirement. The data gap must be aligned within the geographic region and time stamped cultural practices. This will provide much deeper insights.
The opening two chapters address Daily Life. Chapter One is addressing how plowing snow in Sweden is sexist. In America by comparison snow plowing priority is quite different.
The Public Works departments of cities and towns clear roads primarily to keep large traffic patterns clear of snow. The priority does change when winter weather advisories are issued.
When the midwest is hit with large snowfalls that cause delays in public transportation, obviously due to the lack of passable roads, the downstream effect can be delays in various organizations (arts, health, education) and ultimately a prioritization will be to clear roads so the delivery of the US mail can continue.