Education Globalization Internet2 Milwaukee Network Technology

Internet2 on Fox News … well kinda

Well I’m not exactly sure either guy knows what Internet2 is today but clearly Jeremy Kaplan from PC Magazine does not convey the basics of Internet2…Yikes.

Tags: Internet2, bandwidth, network, fiber, globalization, trends

Design Education Globalization Internet2 Network Technology

Astronomy without borders

Internet2 has partnered to transfer real time data between China and New South Wales.  Crossing the globe merging multiple countries and processing huge amounts of data.  Very cool to see advanced research and education networks grabbing 512 megs per second (per telescope — seven total) and streaming it live to Shanghai.  More info here and here

Tags: Internet2, bandwidth, network, astronomy, China, trends

Design Education Globalization Internet2 Network Technology

Internet2: 200 Gigabit backbone by 2014

Internet2The demand for bandwidth usage has been a funny issue of late. Comcast, TimeWarner and AT&T have announced new bandwidth taxing to consumers while on the research side Internet2 and the Department of Energy’s ESnet are planning to upgrade their network to support 200GB/s by 2014. That’s Big Science applications from around the globe taking hold and researchers & scientists to gather gigabytes and terabytes of information. Boy talk about going from one extreme to the other.

This will be an important issue for R&E Networks while consumers are fighting for bandwidth usage taxes. Internet2 seems to be moving forward without reservation to new advanced network backbones linking ESnet and I2’s services to really enhance bandwidth to Internet2 members via Level 3 with plenty of headroom to grow even further:

Internet2’s backbone can easily scale to 400Gigabits/second
–Randy Brogle, Level 3

Why is consumer bandwidth handled differently? Telcos do not have the resources to make fast bandwidth available to all consumers, they are pinching torrent sites and would love to do the same for Skype users. At some point I’m wondering if its a new revenue model.  Comcast has already stating bandwidth tax will go national by end of 2008. I take a full breath of air while sitting and breath differently running, but air is available to me nevertheless.

Bandwidth is the same to me: I need it to breath without restriction.

Tags: Internet2, bandwidth, network, community, globalization, trends

Design Education Globalization Internet2 Network OLPC OpenSource Reading Technology TED

Latest read: Innovation Nation

Innovation Nation: How America Is Losing Its Innovation Edge, Why It Matters, and What We Can Do to Get It Back from John Kao is a timely read. To say I enjoyed his lessons how America is losing it’s innovation lead was not pleasant experience, yet the book is highly engaging.
There are timely lessons in this book from the $100 laptop and more importantly the exodus of top American talent. No surprise that top talent from India is returning home after attending college in America as globalization brings new opportunities to India.

You may be surprised to learn how Kao documents the loss of top Americans heading overseas. That’s native-born Americans leaving our best institutions (and their home country) to work in new innovation centers with more creative, less political conditions.

The list includes Paul Saffo from Stanford, John Seely Brown from Xerox PARC, Peter Schwartz from Global Business Network and Rita Colwell, former head of the National Science Foundation and current professor of biological sciences at the University of Maryland.

Design Education Globalization Internet2 Milwaukee Network OLPC OpenSource Smartphone Technology TED WiscNet

Bandwidth for Schools

A National Broadband Policy needs to be more than just a talking point. Schools in our country need to upgrade their internet bandwidth to 25 Megabytes per second. This is for every school — not just the K12 district who slices up the bandwidth based upon the total number of school buildings in the district. The technology and educational impact upon our schools: leaving them behind just when students from around the world are joining and benefiting from the broadband educational internet.

Playing catch-up
Today we find a majority of schools around the country in the educational slow lane. For some reason it does not matter if the school is remote or urban, many are connecting at just 5 Megabits/second. Its like teaching history with books that still recognize Russia as the old Soviet Union….oh how I miss Gorgachev.
Any college connecting at less than 10MB — shows a lack of understanding and vision for their students who enter higher education seeking not just a degree but an advantage to enter the global marketplace.