Education Globalization Milwaukee Network OpenSource Technology

FireFox 3: Download times will vary

FireFox3 is staggering their 3.0 rollout — so the world does not all download at one time killing their servers. Not a bad idea:

firefox download time

Chicago – Milwaukee – Madison get downloading at 12:00 noon!

Education Google Milwaukee Smartphone

Milwaukee to Madison 06/18/08


This morning’s commute was much better than DOT’s suggested Milwaukee > Beloit > Madison. That route tacks an extra 105 miles one way. I cannot believe they are suggesting this route all the way down to Beloit!  This route was much better:


Here is the link to the Google Maps page. Lets hope flooding decreases over the next couple of days. Take this route and you will see flooded roads and houses under water in low areas with plenty of farm land underwater too.Tags: Milwaukee, Madison, I-94, commute, flooding

Design Education Globalization Google Milwaukee Network Reading Technology

Latest read: Competing on Analytics

How can you compete today in a globalized, highly competitive world? One very smart solution: Analytics. From Google and Amazon to the Boston Red Sox organizations (yes sports teams included) are succeeding by competing on analytics with proven results. Just ask the Yankees…
competing on analyticsCompeting on Analytics: The New Science of Winning from Harvard Business School Press is simply a must read for your organization. New data analysis tools and the internet have changed the rules for competition.

This book is not about Google Analytics. This book has a focus on business intelligence, analysis and data reporting that changed the competitive landscape. Consider this NY Times article about the use of analytics in the Boston Celtics organization.

It would be a mistake to think your organization is immune to the lessons shared in this book. I was even surprised how poorly my former employers rate in this book. Some feel colleges need not apply business intelligence to admissions, continuing education, communication and strategic planning. This book proves that notion dead on arrival.

The shift in data gathering tools and enhanced analysis proves this a key tool for any organization moving forward in a tough economy and market with a shrinking pool of customers. Your probably losing prospects to your competition as a result of analytics and business intelligence conveyed in smart communication.

Michael McIntyre taught me lessons regarding You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know (YDKWYDK) and how it deeply impacts organizations. The single key to winning with analytics is the total support by the CEO — from the top down — and this is where most organizations simply fail.

Design Education Globalization Milwaukee Network OLPC OpenSource Technology TED

OLPC: The remix

Max’s first laptop will be the new One Laptop Per Child prototype announced this morning by Nichoals Negroponte. No “keyboard” since both sides of this ebook reader will support a virtual keyboard.

olpc xo beta

But I’d like to buy a 1st Gen unit too. And I’ll config it to run Sugar.

Tags: OLPC, sugar, Negroponte, prototype, globalization, trends

Design Education Globalization Internet2 Milwaukee Network OLPC OpenSource Smartphone Technology TED WiscNet

Bandwidth for Schools

A National Broadband Policy needs to be more than just a talking point. Schools in our country need to upgrade their internet bandwidth to 25 Megabytes per second. This is for every school — not just the K12 district who slices up the bandwidth based upon the total number of school buildings in the district. The technology and educational impact upon our schools: leaving them behind just when students from around the world are joining and benefiting from the broadband educational internet.

Playing catch-up
Today we find a majority of schools around the country in the educational slow lane. For some reason it does not matter if the school is remote or urban, many are connecting at just 5 Megabits/second. Its like teaching history with books that still recognize Russia as the old Soviet Union….oh how I miss Gorgachev.
Any college connecting at less than 10MB — shows a lack of understanding and vision for their students who enter higher education seeking not just a degree but an advantage to enter the global marketplace.