So what is your print budget these days? Tired of handing out paper like this on the first day of class or new business project? Nothing like killing trees…
I believe students today prefer blogs, wikis and webpages embedded with acrobat files.
MIAD press release
Well time could not be better than to begin a new year with a new challenge in an extremely exciting environment…Art School! Here is a bit of updated background as well.
Technorati Tags:
don kasprzak, milwaukee, MIAD, art & design, web2.0, panaround, trends, rich media, education
Make your plans to now attend Milwaukee’s Winter Gallery Night and enjoy a lot of Art. So popular that it has moved from Gallery Night into Gallery Night & Day….
Winter Participants for 2006
technorati tags: Milwaukee, Gallery Night, MIAD, Art, Third Ward, Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design
No surprise really.
What would Intel do to help the world with a $100 laptop….maybe nothing since MIT chose a rival CPU to power the units. And a target of getting these devices into the hands of children in poor countries, how could Intel act to shore up those American school math scores that list us at the bottom of the world’s rankings?