My feed via Wordle:
Tags: wordle, tag, visualization, community, trends
My feed via Wordle:
Tags: wordle, tag, visualization, community, trends
The demand for bandwidth usage has been a funny issue of late. Comcast, TimeWarner and AT&T have announced new bandwidth taxing to consumers while on the research side Internet2 and the Department of Energy’s ESnet are planning to upgrade their network to support 200GB/s by 2014. That’s Big Science applications from around the globe taking hold and researchers & scientists to gather gigabytes and terabytes of information. Boy talk about going from one extreme to the other.
This will be an important issue for R&E Networks while consumers are fighting for bandwidth usage taxes. Internet2 seems to be moving forward without reservation to new advanced network backbones linking ESnet and I2’s services to really enhance bandwidth to Internet2 members via Level 3 with plenty of headroom to grow even further:
Internet2’s backbone can easily scale to 400Gigabits/second
–Randy Brogle, Level 3
Why is consumer bandwidth handled differently? Telcos do not have the resources to make fast bandwidth available to all consumers, they are pinching torrent sites and would love to do the same for Skype users. At some point I’m wondering if its a new revenue model. Comcast has already stating bandwidth tax will go national by end of 2008. I take a full breath of air while sitting and breath differently running, but air is available to me nevertheless.
Bandwidth is the same to me: I need it to breath without restriction.
Tags: Internet2, bandwidth, network, community, globalization, trends
The OLPC program is moving through a rough time right now with the announced departures of initial key members and the new Microsoft announcement to bring XP onto the XO Laptops.
Walter Bender, former President of OLPC has launched Sugar Labs to promote the use of Sugar on more devices. Sugar is open source and I’m running it on my Powerbook via VMware’s Fusion. Sugar Lab’s approach: children should not be forced to learning a legacy operating system designed for adult computer programmers.
Lets face facts. XP is not designed for the world’s children living in poverty. The design is simple and perfect for children:
So Jeff Bezos….what does this cost per minute?
Tags:, Business, Offline
How can you compete today in a globalized, highly competitive world? One very smart solution: Analytics. From Google and Amazon to the Boston Red Sox organizations (yes sports teams included) are succeeding by competing on analytics with proven results. Just ask the Yankees…
Competing on Analytics: The New Science of Winning from Harvard Business School Press is simply a must read for your organization. New data analysis tools and the internet have changed the rules for competition.
This book is not about Google Analytics. This book has a focus on business intelligence, analysis and data reporting that changed the competitive landscape. Consider this NY Times article about the use of analytics in the Boston Celtics organization.
It would be a mistake to think your organization is immune to the lessons shared in this book. I was even surprised how poorly my former employers rate in this book. Some feel colleges need not apply business intelligence to admissions, continuing education, communication and strategic planning. This book proves that notion dead on arrival.
The shift in data gathering tools and enhanced analysis proves this a key tool for any organization moving forward in a tough economy and market with a shrinking pool of customers. Your probably losing prospects to your competition as a result of analytics and business intelligence conveyed in smart communication.
Michael McIntyre taught me lessons regarding You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know (YDKWYDK) and how it deeply impacts organizations. The single key to winning with analytics is the total support by the CEO — from the top down — and this is where most organizations simply fail.