Education Globalization Network Technology

NYTimes on the XO laptop

NYTimes writer David Pogue has a quick overview to the new XO or One Laptop Per Child computer from MIT…which is now the site for the program. The opportunity to “Give One – Get One” is very impowering.

Take a look here.

NYTimes on the XO laptop

Tags: OLPC, Negroponte, Give 1 Get 1, globalization, pogue, trends

Education Globalization Network Technology

Myanmar: cut the internet?

As emotional as a situation can become over a short period of time, the Myanmar  (Burma for all you old school) government’s decision to cut internet connections is a desperate act and clearly a sign that a total crackdown is underway.

From the The New York Times and from CNN

Education Globalization Network Smartphone Technology

Amazon’s new music store

Today Amazon opened the beta door to their new music store amazonmp3beta and as the name suggests, everything is available in mp3 format. In comparison Apple’s iTunes format is AAC for all those millions of iPods.

Amazon MP3 offers the top 100 songs for 89 cents each and the top 100 albums for $8.99, with most albums priced from $5.99 to $9.99.



However I believe the breaking point will be what is available.
Search for U2 and you get:

Design Education Globalization Network Technology

OLPC: Give 1 Get 1

Nicholas Negroponte‘s One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) program is off to a less than stellar beginning. The biggest hurdle (outside of Intel) is securing funds from third world countries who verbally promised to purchase units for their school children.


The organization is allowing Americans to purchase a unit for a child in a third world country — and getting an XO laptop for yourself.

Education Globalization Network Rich media Technology

NBC: slap yourself in the face

Well after three weeks of questions regarding where NBC would move its digital television programs after breaking ties with Apple’s iTunes. I blogged about their greed. Well NBC Universal “announced” many popular shows would be available for free download.

But hold on. They are pulling a fast one. In attempting to fight the TiVo generation (watch TV programs when, where and how you want) NBC has decided on the following conditions on their new NBC Direct program:

Shows available for one week only following broadcast.
Playback on computer only – no transfer to mobile devices.
Commercials included: viewers cannot skip through ads.
Shows will “degrade” — become unwatchable.
Windows only support – Mac and iPod support later in 2008

So you download The Office and have only seven days to watch it before it “implodes” rendering the video useless on your computer. This seems to imply re-downloading…but maybe NBC is taking the position you have just one week to watch the show or else.

Even industry analysts are calling it a stretch. A blunder is more accurate.

But this idea actually gets “better” for consumers. At some point in 2008 (if ever) NBC will sell you the same shows without commercials and allow them to be moved to mobile devices … yea it’s called iTunes. Who is running the store over there…Jack Donaghy???

Tags: NBC, iTunes, tv show, download