Education Globalization Network OpenSource Reading Technology

Latest read: Wikinomics

Want to learn where a faster, wireless internet and robust web technology is moving all of us? Read Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything to get a real-world understanding of the impact of YouTube, Wikipedia, Flickr, MySpace, Linux, SecondLife and InnoCentive.
wikinomicsThis is a true paradigm shift. Changes have occurred in business and society regarding mass collaboration and the internet. I know many people do not like change but we live in exciting new times.

How has technology transformed our world? Consider ABC Television has been around for almost 60 years. The first television broadcast was in 1948. If you total all the video (24/7) shown on ABC since 1948 — just over 500,000 hours. YouTube has produced more hours of content in just the past 6 months.

The colonial era approach to education will never should not be continued. When will our educational systems catch up with the world? The longer we stand on the sidelines and watch countries including India and China establish educational models around the internet-enabled world, the longer our students will not be able to compete when they enter the global marketplace.

Some states are making that change. Michigan’s virtual schools permit students to study the Chinese language via the internet. Their instructor lives in China. It started when choices for foreign language were no longer acceptable. What economic impact does French or German have in contrast to Chinese and Hindi for a student’s future? Its safe to say French economic power has been on the decline since World War I. Lets give our students the best opportunities to succeed in our country’s future.

In higher education there are examples of how ideas fall short. Teacher are often unaware of how to get their students to connect their idea/project with a engineer, on-demand book publisher or patent attorney in today’s global marketplace. Yes patent attorney. But it may be due to the colonial era approach to educational reform. Too often educators look inward (or to peer groups) and believe if they change internal measurements, students will benefit. Wikinomics proves this to be another colonial era step in the wrong direction.

Education Globalization Internet2 Network Technology

Educause/Internet2 IT Resource

A shared resource for all colleges regarding security. From the joint work of Educause and Internet2: Effective IT Security practices

Tags: Internet2, Educause, Security

Education Globalization Internet2 Network Technology

Internet2 to Bolivia

The growth of Internet2…now merging with the National Lambda Rail … maybe I2NLR is now connecting to Bolivia. As part of World Communications Day last Friday, Bolivia demonstrated its connections to the Latin America Cooperation of Advanced Networks (CLARA) and relay to Internet2.

Tags: Bolivia, network, CLARA, trends

Education Globalization Network Technology

CALEA the day after

So what was all the fuss over CALEA forcing colleges and libraries to comply with FBI wiretapping guidelines?  Outside of Cisco registering its biggest sales quarter in history, the lawsuits did not appear to be valid.  But American University has stopped offering public internet access in their library.

Could the US Government actually force all colleges and libraries to upgrade network equipment to permit wiretapping?   Impractical to say the least.  Did I miss the the CALEA upgrade from Cisco?

Tags: CALEA, AT&T, wiretapping

Education Globalization Network Technology

Future Planning

ubuntu tee

The time is now…and I’m not planning to fail to teach the impact of Linux. There have been many opportunities for me to gain a deeper understanding of the open source movement tied directly to the implications by major companies around the globe.

Companies must not only embrace this but develop, invest and rethink business as a result of this movement. Education is no exception . Ubuntu is hot right now.

Tags: ubuntu, linux, open source, web2.0, trends