Welcome to the newer Internet2 (as of December 5th 2006) At the annual Fall Member Meeting Internet2 unveiled the first major segment of its new advanced network. NYSERNet, the educational network consortium in New York is the first RON to connect at an amazing 100Gigabit per second between New York, Washington and Chicago!
Category: Network
I’m a new co-chair for WiscNet’s Internet2 K20 WorkingGroup. This past week I was in Madison at Frank Lloyd Wright’s Monona Terrace during WiscNet’s Future Technologies Conference. Very impressed with the program: two days of networking (people) and sessions regarding networking (fiber cables) in Wisconsin and focusing on Milwaukee.
As you may be aware Internet2 connects the best research projects at leading institutions around the country. One of their programs is the K20 project, bringing Internet2 members and K12 schools together — especially Museums — in sharing new technologies, applications, and content to discuss the concept of the use of Internet2 in education, explore advanced applications that utilize advanced networks.
On a personal note: Since the beginning of Internet2 my experiences at the University of Chicago and Marquette all projects focused on pure scientific research. Today Internet2 has grown to embrace the Arts. I believe these developments from the conference will benefit MIAD as we continue to embrace a faster, more robust internet for Art education.
Internet2 proves a powerful thing: when you watch live HD video streaming from a coral reef in Sydney Australia as you overlook Lake Monona…you feel small.
Technorati Tags: Milwaukee, Internet2, WiscNet, art, education, HD, MIAD, trends, technology