Digital Earth: Cyber Threats, Privacy and Ethics in an Age of Paranoia by Sarah Katz. She is currently a Cybersecurity Technical Writer at Microsoft.

Sarah holds Master of Arts, Terrorism and Counterterrorism Operations from Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey and a PhD in Cyberpsychology from Capitol Technology University. Sarah has been published in Cyber Defense Magazine, Dark Reading, Infosecurity Magazine, and ISACA Journal.
On the surface this book may appear not to be for organizational leaders, it actually belongs in the hands of your organization’s CIO, Finance, Legal, Risk Management and of course CISO. However this is for your leadership. Sarah has written a well researched book addressing key cybersecurity threats. This should be review by any organization’s entire technology division. In fact, this extends well beyond any organization’s IT Division or dedicated team. You’ll see why.
This is a perfect read for anyone studying or holding an interesting in cybersecurity career fields. Sarah provides in depth research from well established cybersecurity firms, Homeland Security, and research institutions both in private and public sectors.