Deep Learning by John D. Kelleher. John is the Academic Leader of the Information, Communication and Entertainment research institute at the Technological University Dublin. He has previously taught at Dublin City University, Media Lab Europe, and DFKI (the German Centre for Artificial Intelligence Research).

This is a very good introduction to specific subsets of artificial intelligence that are indeed powering imaging, speech recognition, machine translation, and autonomous cars today.
Consumers may forget as they are engaging various technologies, their interactions are via Deep Learning systems. This includes interactions with Siri on iPhones, and Alexa on all things from Amazon. To a lesser extent is Cortana from Microsoft. Actually, John provides a wonderful glossary. This serves the reader well in helping to further develop their understanding of Deep Learning systems.
Likewise, his introduction illustrates how Deep learning delivers data-driven decisions from very large datasets. The key is Deep Learning deliver immediate ‘learning’ as the large datasets grow.
In addition, his insights on autoencoders, recurrent neural networks, and Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) are very stimulating. At the same time, addressing gradient descent and especially backpropagation is amazing in of itself.