Cyberinfrastructure Education Reading Technology

Latest Read: Click Here to Kill Everybody

Click Here to Kill Everybody, Security and Survival in a Hyper-connected World by Bruce Schneier. He is a fellow at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University, lecturer in Public Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School, and board member of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, AccessNow, and the Tor Project. He is also an Advisory Board Member of the Electronic Privacy Information Center and

Click Here to Kill Everybody Security and Survival in a Hyper-connected World by Bruce Schneier

Consequently, Bruce details many key issues in computer security that require the leadership and legislative pen of Congress. I certainly could not have picked a better time to read this book. My review is certainly just scratching the surface of his book. Bruce has communicated a much needed story for every consumer.

Above all, consider the 2021 Colonial Pipeline ransomware attack, the 2016 attacks upon our voting infrastructure, or even China’s digital espionage stealing almost every aspect of American innovation.

Do you think the internet is still growing in size? It is not the number of people, but rather the millions of new devices that pose increased risks. Therefore Bruce is calling for policies to protect these devices, knows as the Internet of Things (IoT). Examples of cyber attacks upon automobiles, electric and nuclear plants, medical devices and even airplanes is certainly proof that we are at greater risk.

A different era of industrial controls

Above all, cyber risk originates from different time in history. Besides, in the 1950s did consumers in South America have access to the internet? Any talented programmer in South America had no means to hack conventional hydroelectric dam controllers. However, today this is a reality. So then, the programmatic controls for any damn in American could not have envisioned this threat:

former National Cybersecurity Center director Rod Beckstrom summarized it this way: (1) anything connected to the Internet can be hacked; (2) everything is being connected to the Internet; (3) as a result, everything is becoming vulnerable.
p. 27

At the same time, we really don’t have to look forward, but rather back at the innovations created in the 1950s and 1960s that launched the connected internet.

Education Innovation Reading

Latest Read: The Culture Code

The Culture Code: The Secrets of Highly Successful Groups
by Daniel Coyle. Daniel is the author of The Talent Code, a New York Times bestseller and a contributing editor for Outside Magazine. He has certainly written an insightful book that easily holds your attention around building successful groups.

The Culture Code: The Secrets of Highly Successful Groups

This is unique because his lessons flow beyond the common idea that ‘groups’ are only within a workplace. On the other hand, it would be a mistake to narrow your view of this book to just the workplace. Daniel delivers impactful lessons for community, academic, and volunteer groups. Almost anyone gathering with others for a common cause can benefit.

The Culture Code is direct in establishing the key building block to group success. Hence, a dedicated, honest, and holistic leadership is key. Moreover, this type of leader allows individuals to feel safe and grow to become loyal to their group’s mission.

Daniel writes an intriguing story in Chapter 4: How to Build Belonging around a group of highly dedicated and successful jewelry thieves. As you can see, this is somewhat weird at first glance. Yet, so committed to this group, each member of this criminal gang selflessly went to prison rather than rat out any member of their group. In fact, this group actually developed plans to free anyone in their group arrested….by actually breaking to the prison. Wow.

Daniel provides many examples of successful groups. There are a number of lessons from military groups focusing on war. While all Americans can identify to the group that killed Bin Laden, military culture is very elite. In comparison, this may be a bit distant for everyday groups striving to succeed.

Education Globalization Milwaukee Reading

Latest Read: The Hospital

The Hospital: Life, Death, and Dollars in a Small American Town
by Brian Alexander. This book is a powerful story involving the small city of Bryan in Northwest Ohio. The local hospital and the collapse of the American healthcare following the 2008 recession is tragic.

The Hospital: Life, Death, and Dollars in a Small American Town

Growing up in Northwest Ohio, this book feels personal. As if it was written about a town just west of home. It was, an hour west of Lucas County heading to Chicago on the Ohio turnpike. In addition, I have not read a book that clearly conveys the struggles and failure of our country’s healthcare system. As many health professionals, doctors, government, and community business leaders admit throughout the book, there is no healthcare ‘system’ in America today for those working multiple jobs who still cannot afford healthcare offered by their employer.

There is no healthcare ‘system’ in America today. Many health professionals, doctors, government, and community business leaders admit throughout the book.

Many working multiple jobs still cannot afford healthcare offered by their employer. The abuse heroin along with stunning numbers of citizens with diabetes is frankly depressing in itself. Yet, it is depression that is leading to a rise in suicides across Williams County. Guns, drugs, or rope are the tool around Williams County. Men and women, mothers and fathers from their early 20s to their late 60s. It proves that suicide, like COVID is spreading without restriction across Northwest Ohio.

Brian writes difficult stories of many failing to survive the 2008 recession. Keith Swihart, is just one of many who struggles with holding a down job while in declining health. He is one of many who do not have basic income to acquire medical prescriptions including insulin.

Cloud Design Education Google Innovation Reading Technology

Latest Read: Coders

Coders: The Making of a New Tribe and the Remaking of the World by Clive Thompson. Clive writes for the New York Times Magazine, Wired, and The Smithsonian. This book is in fact, a very comprehensive review of computer programming.

Coders: The Making of a New Tribe and the Remaking of the World by Clive Thompson

In addition to tracing historical developments, Clive is addressing the origins of computer programming, artificial intelligence, and college computer science programs, and concludes with new coding companies that have entered the market including the Flatiron School.

However, Clive provides an honest and deep analysis about how programmers live, including the evolving demands required to succeed long term. Coding is not an easy career choice.

For this reason, it is challenging for women and minorities to land full time coder jobs. At the same time, everyone not attending a handful of elite universities to study computer engineering (Stanford, MIT, or Harvard) career opportunities at top flight companies remain challenging.

Yet for today’s gig economy worker, this book is an especially worthy read. Parents working will gain a better understanding of potential career paths for their children. Above all, if you have a daughter, Coders is mandatory reading. While his opening chapters reinforced the key role woman held in the launch of computing machines, it is now an uphill battle.

The Software Update That Changed Reality

Clive begins Chapter 1 The Software Update That Changed Reality with Facebook’s Ruchi Sanghvi authoring their initial newsfeed feature. There is a good view of how Ruchi faced challenges as a woman at Facebook. She then left to start Cove, later acquired by Dropbox.

Many will also appreciate the origin of ‘Hello World’ and to learn exactly what is a “bug” in software and the precision required that makes software execute flawlessly. This is a good chapter for any non-programmer parent.

Artificial Intelligence Education Innovation Reading Technology TED

Latest Read: Hello World

Hello World: Being Human in the Age of Algorithms by Hannah Fry, Today Hannah is a senior lecturer at University College London’s Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis.

Hello World Being Human in the Age of Algorithms by Hannah Fry

Generally speaking, Hannah has written a wonderful book addressing algorithms and artificial intelligence. Society has certainly fallen behind the moral implications of algorithms and Hannah speaks truth to power.

Above all, do not let the idea of learning about algorithms, artificial intelligence, or machine learning intimate you. Hannah explains all of these terms with easy to understand examples. This is why her book is popular and well regarded.

I really appreciate how Hannah is addressing algorithm technology across the following chapters: Power, Data, Justice, Medicine, Cars, and Crime. However, I will save her best lesson for last.

Machines that see

So, Hannah reveals artificial intelligence allows a computer to identify dogs. Once a computer has identify over one million dog photos, artificial intelligence can identify dogs like an expert.

Yet, when applying this to breast cancer diagnosis the magic of machine learning can truly shine. Feed a computer millions images of breast cancer tissue images and a local doctor at a small community hospital in remote Iowa can tap into machine learning to help diagnose with a better degree of accuracy once only for a doctor with 20 years of breast cancer diagnosis at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City.