Design Education Innovation Network Reading Rich media Tablet Technology

Wired magazine for tablets

wired_miniWired Magazine has arrived for the iPad.  Initial reports indicate each issue is ~500MB and will be $4.99/episode app via iTunes.  Wired will be shipping additional tablet formats in the coming weeks.

As initial reports are indicate this is a new, in depth re-birth of magazines for the digital world.  By exploiting the iPad’s technologies the premier issue is loaded with interactive multimedia extras simply not available in print.

So now comes the business end of the release:  $5 an for each app issue while you can get a full year print subscription for just $10.
–Since I have a print subscription — can get all my back issues on the iPad?  Doubt it.  Lets not be foolish – publishers are setting elegant revenue models for their print to iPad app conversions…..

Wired’s internal review (duh) – Wall Street Journal review – Business Insider review – Gizmodo review

Tags: iPad, publishing, design, trends,

Design Education Innovation Network Rich media Tablet Technology

The Future Of Magazines ?

As long as magazine budgets can afford them, simply put…. most do not have these types of inflated budgets for regional/local monthly publications.

Enjoy the ride – its the new era of print….as long as its done right.

Tags: iPad, publishing, design, trends,

Design Education Innovation Reading Tablet Technology

Alice for the iPad

The reason excitement for the iPad.  I believe if more books like this come from the creative class we will have a revolution in reading.  Books and magazines may will never be the same again.  And ROIs will rise as well.

Tags: iPad, magazine, book, digital publishing, Tablet, design, interactive, media player, innovation, trends

Design Education Innovation Tablet Technology

HP’s Slate tablet

This device has not been authorized as required by the rules of the Federal Communications Commission. This device is not, and may not be, offered for sale or lease, or sold or leased, until authorization is obtained.

Tags: HP, design, Slate, Tablet, eBook, education, trends

Design Education Innovation Network Reading Rich media Tablet Technology Virtual Reality

The New “Magazine”

Apple’s iPad is already changing the landscape of print.  This example seems to show how interactive a magazine can should be in the digital age.

Tags: iPad, magazine, Tablet, design, media player, innovation, trends