Education Innovation IoT Maker OpenSource Technology

Raspberry Pi Imager

Recently the Raspberry Pi group has released a new installer for all Pi devices called The Raspberry Pi Imager. This is a step in the right direction for the platform. Yes, believe it or not the Raspberry Pi is a platform.

raspberry pi installer
raspberry pi installer

When downloading new versions of Raspbian or Noobs the process for many users was cumbersome at best. This removes the need for new users to learn Etcher. By itself Etcher is a fine utility. I do not plan on deleting Etcher from my machine.

Imager is just a more polished version that pulls all latest releases in the background. I believe this utility helps enhance the Pi platform. Just look at how we pull Windows updates and deploy across organizations.

The new Imager makes life simple when crossing multiple computers: Windows, Mac, or Linux. Presto!

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Latest Read: The Shallows

The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains by Nicholas Carr remains a powerful book (published 2011) regarding how our brains have re-wired in the age of the internet. I began reading just as COVID-19 began taking hold. How will our brains react to this pandemic?

the shallows by by Nicholas Carr

Over the course of Carr’s chapters the world instantly became remote workers.

According to Carr’s conclusions, our brains will re-wire again adjusting to our new global working environments. Actually this will occur within a very short period of time.

The source for his book originated from an article Carr actually wrote for The New Yorker called “is google making us stupid” back in 2008. There is a chapter dedicated to Google Search.

Does The Shallows reveal new internet changes to human behavior? No, Carr shows that history’s ‘drastic changes’ regarding access to new technology dates even beyond Nietzsche and Freud. Their technology change? The typewriter was a very dynamic change from Gutenberg’s printing press. Approaches to cognitive thought was drastically changed by the technology available to Freud’s era: powerful microscopes.

Education Ransomware Reading Technology

Latest Read: Sandworm

Sandworm: A New Era of Cyberwar and the Hunt for the Kremlin’s Most Dangerous Hackers by Wired’s Andy Greenberg is most certainly a facinating story regarding Russia’s cyber attacks upon Ukraine. In fact, the backstory to Sandworm is quite remarkable. Attacks by Russia against Ukraine are just the latest in a long history of Russian aggression.

Greenberg’s work is certainly remarkable. This provides deep storylines linking Russia to NotPetya, a ransomware attack launched against Ukraine in 2016. Elements of this attack were initially launched as reconnaissance in the prior year.

At the same time, Greenberg provides amazing details regarding cyber attacks Moonlight Maze, Operation Aurora on America by Russia and China.

Indeed Sandworm provides a historical view between Russia and Ukraine upon the heels of World War II.

Harvest of Sorrow

In this period, Stalin produced a truely horrific famine across Ukraine. Unquestionably, the exploitation of Ukraine by the Soviet Union and Hitler’s Germany resulted in the torture and death of millions of Ukrainians. Greenberg notes the unbelievable but true horror by author Anne Applebaum in Red Famine: Stalin’s War on Ukraine:

“stories of desperate peasants resorting to eating leather and rodents, grass, and, in states of starvation-induced mania, even their own children. All of this occurred in one of the most fertile grain-production regions in the world.”

Red Famine by Anne Applebaum

In addition, these horrific attacks are echoed in Harvest of Sorrow by Soviet scholar Robert Conquest. Red Famine’s lessons provide a razor sharp backdrop to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine following the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi. This is only the latest attack in a long confrontation between Russia and Ukraine.

Cyberinfrastructure Education Flat World Globalization Innovation Network OpenSource Reading Technology

Latest Read: Countdown to Zero Day

Countdown to Zero Day: Stuxnet and the Launch of the World’s First Digital Weapon by Kim Zetter is an amazing story. The NSA and Mossad worked to derail the nuclear weapons program of Iran. This begins an amazing story regarding stuxnet. In the end this is a wonderful story about imagination.

Countdown to Zero Day: Stuxnet and the Launch of the World's First Digital Weapon

The history Kim traces is deeper than anyone could first imagine. Think about your favorite spy movie and technology. Countdown to Zero Day is going to shake you up as I found this book difficult to put down.

The International Atomic Energy Agency learned that centrifuges at an enrichment plant in Natanz were failing at an unprecedented rate. The US and Israel were able to deploy Stuxnet to Siemens industrial control systems in Iran.

Zetter opens this story in Belarus. A computer security firm with customers in Iran found what they initially thought was a rootkit. The virus was causing systems to repeatedly crash and reboot. When they could not resolve the issue they called Sergey Ulasen.

Education Innovation Network OpenSource Reading Technology

Latest Read: Weapons of Math Destruction

Cathy O’Neil has written Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy. Cathy holds a Ph.D. in mathematics from Harvard. She taught at MIT and Barnard College. After four years Cathy departed for Wall Street. Learning first hand how big data is manipulated, she departed disappointed.

weapons of math destruction

Cathy turned to applying large data sets to understand how big data reinforces old stereotypes of wealth and race.

Just as Wall Street and society were embracing big data, the subprime mortgage collapse arrived. Cathy was just starting her career on Wall Street and witnessed the collapse from a close, fresh perspective.

Cathy has insights to that timeframe — and backed by big data. Methods to create big datasets should undergo scrutiny. Cathy reveals errors in several datasets throughout the book. These are referred to as WMDs. The errors are very real and impact American society. To no surprise the largest impacted groups are minorities and the poor.