Design Education Innovation Technology

Thunderbolt at CES

Finally Seagate announced support for Thunderbolt at this week’s CES in Las Vegas.  As a gentle reminder here is Intel’s demo of this 10Gigabit technology.

Design Education Innovation Reading Technology

Photoshop the Pentagon Papers scanned memorandums

I have been having some difficulty reading a few memorandums attached to the Pentagon Papers study in digital format.  The National Archives did an absolutely wonderful job of making the entire text of the Pentagon Papers ‘selectable’ in Adobe PDF format.

My highest compliments to an amazingly professional effort to move the Papers, printed over 40 years ago into an easily copy/paste format for educators, students and historians.

May I suggest photoshopping the faded lines of text in attached memorandums?

By simply modifying the brightness level of the image’s histogram (using the Levels tool in Photoshop) it would benefit many readers who like me, find focusing and recognizing faded text somewhat difficult to read.

The example here took less than one minute to produce a deeper, darker text that makes character recognition much easier to comprehend.

BTW: Its wonderful to color hilight sections of any volume of the study on an iPad.  And carrying around this entire 7,000+ page, 47 volume study is just remarkable.

Cyberinfrastructure Design Education Globalization Innovation Internet2 Network Technology

Internet2 @ SuperComputing


If there is a way to get there — I would make the trip in a ping.

Design Education Innovation Tablet Technology

Welcome to the iPad’s Digital Golden Age

Few would imagine what creative minds at Apple and Pixar would invent when the iPad was introduced.  With compelling content and affordable mobile devices my children are growing up in the Golden Age of Pixar, Apple and Disney.  The idea of playing an old school ‘board game’ pales in comparison with the iPad’s interactive, digital game and adventure opportunities.  Beyond driving around Radiator Springs, I believe a gold mine awaits with education for all ages.  But for now….off to the Apple Store to pickup a Lightning and Mater.

Design Education Globalization Google Innovation Network Technology

A pundits rush on Google+ ?

 If you listen to all those social media wanna-bees who jumped on the Google+ bandwagon as the latest and greatest social media tool.  Seems as soon as they received their beta invite the avalanche began.

Proving that ‘tigers eat their young’ those same pundits are already calling Google+….the next GoogleWave.

Wave? Oh, how quickly did you forget about Google’s last B-L-U-N-D-E-R in social media?  Feels like yesterday Google was so slowly handing out Wave invites that it actually killed user adoption by the time they got around to “launching” the product.

Wave was so over-hyped by those same pundits who were also on twitter begging for a Wave invite.  I recall them wishing they could be part of the Wave hype….until the exact moment they logged into Wave they found out how complex the UI was presented. Boy did Google deserve one hard shot right to the groin for that social train wreck.

So those who consider themselves social media leaders (or innovators) are actually voicing their displeasure with Google+ after its been public for just 30 days?  Oh the irony.  I cannot help but relish that quote from earlier this year that puts all those social media so called leaders or innovators into context:

“99.5 Percent Of Social Media Experts Are Clowns”
-Gary Vayerchuk interview