Design Innovation Technology

Apple’s new “Thunderbolt”

Kudos to Apple for great names: From Firewire to Velocity Engine and now Thunderbolt.

Design Education Technology TED

A peek before the finish line

Design Education Innovation Technology

Dear Apple and Nikon

Nikon shipped their new body-only D7000 DSLR almost two months ago and Apple just released their updated Camera RAW profile so I could actually process the images in Aperture 3.  Guys….please talk to each other.


Why wait?  You’ve been doing this process for years.
–Thanks for ruining my weekend.

Cyberinfrastructure Design Education Innovation Milwaukee Network Technology

Amazing step forward


Began an amazing job this week. Looking forward to new challenges and inspirations.

Design Education Globalization Innovation Reading Technology

Looking forward to reading

After reading Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die and Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything I have been following the Heath brothers and Don Tapscott’s work online and in the blogosphere.  Both have followup books to their initial bestsellers. Its going to be great reading.
