Education Innovation Reading Technology

Latest Read: A World Without Email

A World Without Email: Reimagining Work in an Age of Communication Overload by Cal Newport, an associate professor of computer science at Georgetown University.

A World Without Email: Reimagining Work in an Age of Communication Overload by Cal Newport.

Certainly glad to read this book at the end of 2021. So, the holiday provided a much needed opportunity for refection on the role of email across my organization.

There will be dozens of reference points while reading this book that will provide insights to your organization’s culture. This will reveal approaches to email versus a meeting-driven culture.

In addition, Cal is straight forward about how attempts like ‘Email free Fridays’ actually do more harm than good. Above all, this compliments Ozan Varol’s book How to Think Like a Rocket Scientist. Inspirational ideas to make organizations see efficiencies.

The key message throughout the book is the “hyperactive hive mind” which certainly indicates the impact of how your organization is managing communications.

In addition, this refers to the approach of deliberate advanced planning and the impact of tasks coordinated with ad-hoc messaging between teams, internal customers and key stakeholders.

Education Globalization Google Reading Technology

Latest Read: Invisible Women

Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men by Caroline Criado Pérez. Caroline is an award-winning and bestselling writer and campaigner. She is a graduate from Oxford University.

Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men by Caroline Criado Pérez

The role of a data gap is certainly male leaning. The most difficult task is addressing the data gap bias in cultural diversity across many countries.

What this reveals to me is a bit more complex requirement. The data gap must be aligned within the geographic region and time stamped cultural practices. This will provide much deeper insights.

The opening two chapters address Daily Life. Chapter One is addressing how plowing snow in Sweden is sexist. In America by comparison snow plowing priority is quite different.

The Public Works departments of cities and towns clear roads primarily to keep large traffic patterns clear of snow. The priority does change when winter weather advisories are issued.

When the midwest is hit with large snowfalls that cause delays in public transportation, obviously due to the lack of passable roads, the downstream effect can be delays in various organizations (arts, health, education) and ultimately a prioritization will be to clear roads so the delivery of the US mail can continue.

Cloud Education Google Reading Technology

Latest Read: The Four

The Four: The Hidden DNA of Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google by Scott Galloway. Scott is a Professor of Marketing at the New York University Stern School of Business. He led startups at Prophet, Red Envelope and L2, which was acquired by Gartner.

The Four: The Hidden DNA of Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google by Scott Galloway

Scott has also served on the boards of media companies including The New York Times, Dex Media, Advanstar, Gateway, Urban Outfitters and Eddie Bauer. He joined the faculty of NYU’s Stern School of Business in 2014.

So Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google are deemed by Scott as the Four Horsemen. The data Scott provides is rich at the time of publication. It would be well worth hit time to release a second edition: The Four Horsemen of the Pandemic, as their metrics will be even more amazing to understand how they have grown from 2017. This is amazingly, just four years from the release as well.

Throughout the book Scott addresses his move from private business to teaching at NYU, where the cost of education is $500 per minute.
While reading Scott’s book at the close of 2021, the omicron variant is surging and according to Scott in 2017 their reach (and profits) should be soaring to new gigantic heights.

Surprisingly, Scott not only portions each company in the marketplace they dominate, but also how they are now digging in to complete with one another.

Blockchain Education Innovation Network Reading Technology Virtual Reality

Latest Read: AI 2041

AI 2041: Ten Visions for Our Future by Kai-Fu Lee and Chen Qiufan. Kai-Fu is a leading AI researcher. with a Ph.D. from Carnegie Mellon University. He landed at Apple in 1990 for a decade, then went to SGI.

AI 2041: Ten Visions for Our Future by Kai-Fu Lee

Kai-Fu has previously served as the founding director of Microsoft Research Asia, then president of Google China, He departed to launch Sinovation Ventures, a venture capital firm in Beijing.

Over the course of my career I have grown rather confident that technology predications never really develop as projected. Hence, AI 2041 is no exception. While I do appreciate Chen’s writing skills, these predications are a real miss on the AI front.

In addition, each story begins with a brief note by Kai-Fu followed by Chen’s story. I must admit that I am certainly not really a fan of fiction, yet the detail writing by Chen is striking. Kai-Fu then closes each story with an accurate analysis of AI technologies key to the story.

Chapter Three: Twin Sparrows

Twin Sparrows, is certainly the best written chapter IMHO. The implementation of natural language processing, self-supervised training, and AI education made for a unique story, although straining at times.

Education Reading Technology

Latest Read: What Happened To You?

What Happened To You?: Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing by Dr. Bruce D. Perry and Oprah Winfrey. This book will change the way you view not only your life, but the lives of family, colleagues, and friends.

What Happened To You?: Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing by Dr. Bruce D. Perry and Oprah Winfrey.

Bruce is a psychiatrist and senior fellow of the Child Trauma Academy in Houston. In addition, he remains an adjunct professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the Northwestern’s Feinberg School of Medicine. In 1987, Bruce began a fellowship in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the University of Chicago.

Bruce has been a consultant to many high-profile incidents involving traumatized children: The Columbine High School massacre, The Oklahoma City bombing, and The Waco siege.

He also wrote The Boy Who Was Raised As A Dog: What Traumatized Children Can Teach Us About Loss, Love and Healing. Elements of that book are indeed discussed in this book as well.

Bruce began his relationship with Oprah in 1989 and has appeared on the Oprah Winfrey show many times sharing experiences of childhood trauma. Accordingly, Oprah shares her understanding from trauma and adversity from a young age.