Education Globalization Internet2 Network Technology

Laptop orchestra to Beijing via Internet2

Stanford’s Laptop Orchestra will perform via Internet2 to Beijing, over 6,000 miles away via HD video and audio in a performance marking the annual Pan-Asian Music Festival in Palo Alto on Tuesday May 5th.

Tags: Internet2, laptop, orchestra, community, globalization, trends

Design Education Globalization Network OLPC OpenSource Technology

OLPC trouble signs ?

olpcTo say the last couple of weeks have been a PR nightmare for OLPC is an understatement. Some talented members of the initial team have departed while hints of a Windows solution is in the air. This past week they announced a new COO Charles Kane who oversaw the production of Sugar, the Linux based OS for the laptop.

To many the idea of OLPC embracing Windows is a step backward. What we will not know for some time is any “behind the scenes” negotiations between Nicholas Negroponte and Microsoft.

Design Education Globalization Google Internet2 Milwaukee Network Technology TED

National Broadband Policy

At last week’s Internet2 Spring Meeting Telepoly Consultant John Windhausen presented research support the adoption of a National Broadband Policy to deliver 100 Megabits to every home and business by 2012.

I2 spring meetingWould you like to fully understand the impact of this policy? May I suggest starting with Tom Friedman’s bestseller The World Is Flat 3.0?

Make sure you read Version 3.0Friedman‘s update measures how quickly the world has adopted Globalization with networking technologies woven into the fabric of global business, government and education sprinkled around some of the most far reaching locations worldwide.

Design Education Globalization Google Network Technology

Google coming to Madison

google logoIts finally official: Google has announced its setting up a hardware and software engineering center in Madison.  Update here.

Design Education Globalization Google Internet2 Milwaukee Network Technology WiscNet

The net is running out of IP addresses

At this morning’s Internet2 Spring member meeting John Curran, Chairman of The American Registry of Internet Numbers (ARIN) actually stated THIS WILL OCCUR within three years if the internet stays at IPv4. Time to plan your migration to IPv6.

I2 spring meetingBut will this upgrade be the next great Y2K project? Probably. And consider all those IPv4 consumer gadgets that are connecting to the internet today… Yikes! But fear not: Many companies are already moving to IPv6 .Google is already set. And while Apple’s OS X Leopard is already IPv6 capable, oh how Windows XP is not….and I’m not upgrading to Vista based on IPv6 alone.

This session was moderated by Internet2 CEO Doug Van Houwling who is speaking in Madison at WiscNet’s Future Technologies Conference May 13th & 14 at Monona Terrace.

Another strong presentation was John Windhausen‘s “National Broadband Policy” presentation. The goal: an 8 billion dollar investment to provide 100MB broadband service to every school, home and business by 2012.