Education Globalization Internet2 Network Technology WiscNet

Internet2 & Verizon

I2 Verizon BizInternet2 announced today that Verizon Business has joined Internet2 as a corporate member. Verizon joins corporate members including Google, Cisco, Northrop and Johnson & Johnson among others. Interest in Internet2’s 100GBs backbone is sparking interest all over the place.

Internet2’s corporate members are not just networking companies, but rather innovate firms seeking to enhance their business with advanced networks. Verizon will collaborate with the Internet2 community on advanced optical networking projects.

“One of the strongest values of the Internet2 community is its commitment to the exploration and development of leading-edge Internet technology.”

In addition today’s press release notes the development of next-generation content delivery and network security within the Internet2 community and Verizon. Will the delivery of HD video over the public internet be far behind?

CNN Money press release here

Tags: Internet2, Verizon, optical network, education, globalization, network, WiscNet, trends

Education Globalization Technology

Today’s college students

This past spring’s WiscNet Future Technologies Conference in Madison when Dr. Michael Wesch, a cultural anthropologist from Kansas State University shared his video from YouTube called “Web 2.0, the Machine is Using Us.” The video documents how the Web has already changed how we communicate.

His new release about how students make strong statements about life in higher education:

Tags: Michael Wesch, Kansas State, web 2.0, globalization, ethnography, trends

Design Education Globalization Internet2 Network Technology WiscNet

Internet2 moving beyond 100Gbps

I was amused to read Arstechnica‘s News Desk article Internet2 at 100Gbps posted October 9th. However my blog post about this very topic from June 13th … well okay, I’m still glad to see more researchers, scientists, faculty and artists now have access to this ‘high capacity network’ anytime they need it.

USAToday also wrote an article hilighted at the fall Internet2 meeting in San Diego. More important is the ability of Internet2 to scale this ultra fast network to handle 100 wavelengths in the near future. Love the idea of riding this wave.

Tags: Internet2, 100Gbs, wavelengths, education, globalization, network, trends

Education Globalization Network Reading Technology

Latest read: Three billion new capitalists

Three Billion New Capitalists: The Great Shift of Wealth and Power to the East by Clyde Prestowitz is a good companion to Tom Friedman’s The World Is Flat regarding globalization. At times I felt the chapters could have been written by both authors. Ultimately they complement the globalization story.

Prestowitz was counselor to the Secretary of Commerce during the Reagan Administration and is Founder and President of the Economic Strategy Institute, a thinktank in Washington DC.

Globalization is certainly not new and some issues addressed by Prestowitz may be hard to wrap around completely, but he provides an overview of what has been accelerating … offshoring. To no surprise the destination is China and India. Released in 2005 Prestowitz could not have considered the Mattel lead paint product recalls fiasco just two months old as consequences of globalization. Or was that just bad management on Mattel’s part?

The shift in wealth and power also focuses on banking and oil. Two chapters focus on this impact for China and India … and America along with the EU. What is an example of the impact on America: 100,000+ new cars are registered every month in Bejing? I would like to see the numbers for Bangalore. Think of a billion new drivers wanting to see their country, visit family and travel to see friends.

Education Globalization Network Reading Technology

Latest read: An Army of Davids

Matt Spaamen recommended Glenn Reynolds’ An Army of Davids: How Markets and Technology Empower Ordinary People to Beat Big Media, Big Government, and Other Goliaths. Glenn, professor of law at the University of Tennessee is the former MSNBC blogger known by his very popular blog instapundit.

I was looking forward to this book as soon as Matt commented on my blog and suggested this reading. I was expecting a lot from Glenn and feel let down by only finding a few chapters worthwhile. The beginning of Glen’s book is almost a rewrite of Tom Friedman’s The World Is Flat. Another view of the technological advances throughout history that changed the way society and business operate bringing the world closer together for trade, education, culture and art.

He did provide good opportunities on chapters regarding nanotechnology and space research, yet those are pretty narrowly defined markets that require advanced degrees to fully exploit…while the marketing arm of an organization can indeed leverage An Army of Davids to change access to space and nanotechnology from a few to the masses.