Cyber Crisis: Protecting Your Business from Real Threats in the Virtual World by Eric Cole. He holds a Masters in Computer Science from New York Institute of Technology and PhD in Information Technology from Pace University.

Eric is the founder and CEO of Secure Anchor Consulting and today is a member of the Forbes Technology Council.
He began his career as Program Manager & Technical Director for the CIA. His career moved to cybersecurity leadership roles at several companies including his role as Chief Scientist & Senior Fellow at Lockheed Martin.
For over ten years he held leadership positions at SANS including Dean of Faculty and Director of Research; Architecture Director of Cyber Defense Curriculum. He has been interviewed on CNN, Fox, CBS, and NBC. In fact, Eric was one of the authors of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s cybersecurity guide.
The world we live in today post pandemic is different. Most do not realize the ground has shifted under their feet. Eric is simply addressing that while you may read about major cybersecurity attacks perhaps five times a year. However the stories shared certainly indicate attacks are happening every day. Since the pandemic, ransomware attack are occurring every ten minutes.
Written all organizations
Eric is sharing very sound advice. Cyber Crisis is perhaps best addressing cyber risks for organizational leaders. Prior to the pandemic cyber criminals could be inside your network via malware in less than two hours. Today that is just 79 minutes. So this book outlines steps readers should learn and adapt. Leaders can learn about protecting their organizational data including their employees.
Furthermore, Eric shows how data in the cloud, on office servers and in your smartphone is accessed via WiFi and organizational networks. At the same time, cyber criminals from around the world are using phishing to access passwords to access private server data.
Eric is certainly emphasizing that the majority of citizens simply do not realize how vulnerable they are to attacks. Criminals do not care about your email correspondence unless you are a senior leader at an organization. Criminals are phishing you to gain access to your financial, medical and personal data.
The world is very different today
Cybersecurity attacks have increased exponentially, but because they’re stealthy and often invisible, many underplay, ignore, or simply don’t realize the danger. By the time they discover a breach, most individuals and businesses have been compromised for over three years. Instead of waiting until a problem surfaces, avoiding a data disaster means acting now to prevent one. To additional books that generalize cyber attacks include Ghost in the Wires by Kevin Mitnick and LikeWar by PW Singer which addresses social media attacks.
In conclusion, Cyber Crisis is providing a timely guide to simply understanding how the world works via cyber threats. Eric is informing readers how to begin building a plan to minimize your exposure to data loss for your business and your family.