The Deep Learning Revolution by Terrence Sejnowski. He holds both a Masters and PhD in physics from Princeton University. Today he is a professor at The Salk Institute for Biological Studies and directs the Computational Neurobiology Laboratory.

He is also Professor of Biological Sciences and Adjunct Professor in the Departments of Neurosciences, Psychology, Cognitive Science, and Computer Science and Engineering at the University of California, San Diego where he is Director of the Institute for Neural Computation.
Terry was an Investigator at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute from 1991 to 2018. In addition, he founded Neural Computation, a journal in neural networks and computational neuroscience published by the MIT Press. He is also the President of the Neural Information Processing Systems Foundation.
In fact, Terry is only one of three living people to have been elected to all four of the national academies: The National Academy of Medicine, Member of the National Academy of Sciences, The National Academy of Engineering and the National Academy of Inventors.
So, Terry is sharing his story how deep learning began and is today used in driverless cars to personal assistants. Deep Learning is changing our lives and transforming the world. Deep learning can play poker better than professional poker players and has also defeated a world champion at Go. It should be noted when Google’s Deep Mind defeated Ke Jie, it served as China’s Sputnik moment.
Present at the Creation
Perhaps Part 1: Intelligence Reimagined is a true must read for anyone discovering AI today. The Deep Learning Revolution certainly explains how AI’s deep learning emerged into a truly disruptive technology. Terry indeed played a critically important role in the development of deep learning.
Furthermore, Terry’s research in neural networks and computational neuroscience included early applications in collaboration with Geoffrey Hinton proved neural networks could be made to learn sophisticated tasks.
In Part 2: Many Ways to Learn, Terry details how he co-invented the Boltzmann machine with Geoffrey Hinton. Then he shares the development of Backpropagation which I find very intriguing.
Amazing lessons
In conclusion, The Deep Learning Revolution will provide readers with a front row seat to the perhaps the most powerful AI subset. One of the most rewarding books that I have read on AI from one of the most talented researchers today.