Enterprise Artificial Intelligence Transformation by Rashed Haq. Rashed is an AI and robotics technologist. He is Vice President of Robotics at Cruise. He holds masters degrees in both Mathematics and Physics, and a PhD in Physics from the University of Oregon.

Previously Rashed served as the Global Head of AI & Data and Group Vice President at Publicis Sapient. At Oregon he conducted research in physics at the Los Alamos National Lab and the Institute for Theoretical Science. He has previously served on the AI Advisory Board of the Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA).
There can be no question that since the launch of ChatGPT in November 2022 that AI is everywhere and over the past 12 months along has very quickly been adopted by consumer’s daily lives.
This is AI’s tipping point. So, how will organizations begin to adopt AI services and the workers needed to deliver these services efficiently? Rashed is outlining how organizational leaders need insights to understand, plan, and deploy a custom set of AI services.
In fact, when executed correctly, AI will indeed bring new value to organizations regardless of marketplace. Here Rashed delivers a solid overview of AI and also addresses the impacts of machine learning.
Learn to adapt
While the opening chapter accurately reflects AI Myths and Reality, Part II Artificial Intelligence in the Enterprise: Chapter Three AI in E-Commerce and Retail begins addressing the wide adoption of AI across unique markets. This is providing a gentle introduction for many organizations.
Part III Building Your Enterprise AI Capability: Chapter 7 Developing an AI Strategy is really required reading for organizational leaders. Miss this and your organization will struggle. Furthermore, there is evidence that early AI adopters who overlooked this element have struggled to implement AI services correctly. This is aligned with HBRs Guide to AI Basics for Managers.
Moving from legacy workflows
Leaders will certainly appreciate his lessons that organizations often deploy AI on top of a legacy organizational structure with very old ideas regarding employee roles and data workflows. Too many leaders have bought into the AI hype cycle while simply ignoring their existing data strategy. Perhaps many lack the data within their existing infrastructures to take advantage of AI simply due to the lack of structured and unstructured data resulting in collisions.
In conclusion, Rashed is delivering sound insights and a wonderful introduction for organizational leaders to understand the dramatic shifts already occurring underneath their feet.