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New Master Degree: Web2.0

The University of Michigan has a Master of Science in Information degree in Social Computing which brings online communities, social networking and user content into a formal degree program. Very interesting. I actually like the competency requirement.

12 credits from:

SI 508: Networks: Theory and Application (3 credits)
SI 532 Digital Government I: Information Tech and Democratic Politics(1.5 credits)
SI 583: Recommender Systems(1.5 credits)
SI 631: Content Management Systems(3 credits)
SI 679: Aggregation and Prediction Markets(1.5 credits)
SI 683: Reputation Systems(1.5 credits)
SI 684: eCommunities: Analysis and Design of Online Interaction Environments(3cr)
SI 689: Computer-Supported Cooperative Work(3 credits)

And pass a competency requirement in

SI 539: Design of Complex Web Sites (3 credits)
SI 543: Programming I (Java) (3 credits)

And not to be overlooked WiscNet’s upcoming Future Technologies Conference in Madison (May 8th & 9th) will also address this from the classroom point of view:

Web 2.0 – How are Teachers Using Social Media in the Classroom?
Shift happens. You’ve heard that for a long time now, but do you really understand the magnitude of what has happened in the past 2 years? There’s an entirely new rebirth of the Internet happening. It’s this generation’s “rock and roll”. It has fundamentally changed the way our students socialize.

Trends for the future? Clearly there are changes already. Students today are ‘wired’ different than anyone in my generation.

Check your own generation’s idea of Web2.0 — time to go back to school?

Technorati Tags: , degree, community, trends, social networking