
Get News when YOU want

So here comes RSS.  A great new technology that keeps us current on the news and information we seek out, not information presented to us in print, tv and radio. 

But how long will it take the masses to adopt to this smart information sharing? 
For now, a trend that introduces deeper changes in the way we receive information.


Wi-Fi/Cellular PDAs shipping

T-Mobile and HP said today that they’d start selling a new handheld that includes GSM, GPRS, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth later this summer.

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Rich media

Rich Media on the rise

Rich Media to Reach $3.8 Billion, Video Ads a Sixth of That.

JupiterResearch predicts that video ads are about to take a greater share of the online pie, rising from $121 million in ad billings this year to $657 million by 2010. That represents only a rise from two percent of online ads today – according to Jupiter’s figures – to four percent in 2010, as Jupiter yesterday predicted vast online market growth to $16 billion through 2009. Rich media in general is predicted to grow to $3.8 billion by the end of 2009, about a quarter of the total.

The increased comfort traditional ad agencies have with the TV-like ad units contribute to the projected increase, as well as other firms’ desires for cross-media integration, according to Jupiter.

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Virtual Reality

Panoramic VRs at conventions

In addition to blogging our political conventions, panoramic VR imaging is also being hilighted in The NewYork Times.

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Duke iPods

Duke University is implementing a program this fall providing iPods to incoming freshman with education related content. It’s a solid first step in providing information on-demand to students and integrates the popularity of portable audio in the digital world.