Artificial Intelligence Education Reading

Latest Read: AI and the Future of Education

AI and the Future of Education: Teaching in the Age of Artificial Intelligence by Priten Shah.

AI and the Future of Education: Teaching in the Age of Artificial Intelligence by Priten Shah

He holds an M.ED. in Education Policy and Management from the Harvard. Priten is CEO of Pedagogy.Cloud and founder of the civic-focused nonprofit United 4 Social Change.

Priten is addressing the impact of AI upon education in mid 2023. The date is important due to the weekly advances in the AI industry and a near frantic desire for teachers in K12 and Higher Education to understand the impact upon teaching.

Perhaps the challenge to all authors addressing AI’s impact across education is the need for educational systems to protect students while trying to understand the security and privacy impacts AI has upon schools that must meet those privacy mandates for children.

Then again, within the last six to eight months the AI Agents announced by OpenAI, Google, and Microsoft will certainly be viewed by teachers as a threat. It may surprise many that when teachers are requesting access to Microsoft CoPilot, they overlook this AI’s agent functions that will be available to them 24/7 for every class they are enrolled in and includes agent functions for academic support.

Artificial Intelligence Education Reading

Latest Read: Leading with AI and Analytics

Leading with AI and Analytics: Build Your Data Science IQ to Drive Business Value by Eric Anderson and Florian Zettelmeyer.

Leading with AI and Analytics: Build Your Data Science IQ to Drive Business Value by Eric Anderson and Florian Zettelmeyer

Eric is Professor of Marketing, former Chair of the Marketing Department and Director of the Kellogg-McCormick MBAi Program at Northwestern University. He holds a PhD in Management Science from MIT and has taught previously at the University of Chicago and the University of Rochester.

Florian is Professor of Marketing at Northwestern University and directs the Program on Data Analytics. He holds a PhD in Marketing from MIT and previously taught at the University of California at Berkeley, while also briefly working at McKinsey. He is a senior science leader at Amazon leading their Advertising Economics organization.

A very well written book with a targeted audience for organizational leadership. This wonderful introduction is addressing AI and business analytics for leaders who actually rely upon senior managers to execute analytics for their organization.

Perhaps no better example of establishing a comprehensive plan to deploy an Artificial Intelligence Analytics (AIA) Framework. In fact, the key for organizational leadership is to understand what is going on with your data. Ultimately this will provide insights to support any organization’s integration of AI services within their digital transformation.

Artificial Intelligence Education Reading

Latest Read: Unmasking AI

Unmasking AI: My Mission to Protect What Is Human in a World of Machines by Joy Buolamwini.

Unmasking AI: My Mission to Protect What Is Human in a World of Machines by Joy Buolamwini

Joy is a computer scientist and digital activist based at the MIT Media Lab. She founded the Algorithmic Justice League. She is a Rhodes Scholar, a Fulbright fellow, a Stamps Scholar, an Astronaut Scholar, and an Anita Borg Institute scholar. Joy holds a Masters and PhD in Media Arts & Sciences from MIT.

Unmasking AI is Joy’s memoir regarding her graduate work at Harvard. Joy is introducing her project regarding facial recognition. She realized her own face could not be identified unless she actually placed a white Halloween mask in-front of her face as a camera captured and attempted to identify her.

However, her work contributes to demonstrating the in accuracy of AI. Joy research is indeed like Dorthy in The Wizard of Oz, pulling back the curtain on the inaccuracies of AI facial recognition systems. And to some extent, also exposing the growing wealth of companies profiting from these already deployed.

Yet when informing her thesis committee that bias in AI has the potential to harm women and minorities, the perception includes many do not want to acknowledge these errors. Joy even receives feedback which questions the level of harm faulty facial recognition, and if is actually ‘significant’ enough to warrant this research.

Artificial Intelligence Education Reading

Latest Read: Data for All

Data for All by John K. Thompson. Today John is Global Head of AI at Ernst & Young. He was an executive partner at Gartner, and he was responsible for the advanced analytics business unit of the Dell Software Group. He holds an MBA from DePaul University.

Data for All by John K. Thompson

In fact, John has very extensive data advisory experience including: Curriculum Advisory Board Member, AI Bootcamp Host with The Mark Cuban Foundation, Advisory Board Member Masters & Undergraduate Programs in Business Analytics at The University of Texas at Austin, Advisory Board Member Masters in Data Science Program Oklahoma State University, Executive Advisory Board: AI, Data Science & Computer Science at Oakland University, Nittany AI Challenge: AI for Good at Penn State University, and Advisory Board Member Dearborn AI Research (DAIR) Center at The University of Michigan.

So, data brokers are firms who buy and sell your data. In fact, you do not receive a single penny for all of your online activity. Data Brokers somehow are the owners of your online activity and certainly profit from your web browsing, e-commerce transactions and app activity including notifications. Remember Facebook posted $116 Billion in revenue for 2023.

John is outlining how your data is harvested and ultimately how you are exploited. He is providing a valuable resource to empower users to learn how their parties monetize your data. Many readers may simply be unaware that all your online actions create permanent records of your activity.

Artificial Intelligence Education Reading

Latest Read: HBR’s 10 Must Reads 2024

HBR’s 10 Must Reads 2024: The Definitive Management Ideas of the Year from Harvard Business Review

HBR’s 10 Must Reads 2024: The Definitive Management Ideas of the Year from Harvard Business Review

Perhaps no better way to close 2023 than by digesting HBR’s 10 Must Reads 2024. These articles are a great overview to insights by authors over the last year. Digital transformation is the most impactful as organizations are jumping into AI in markets still impacted by the pandemic.

This actually leads with a challenge for leaders. In “Managers Can’t Do It All” the combination of reengineering, digitization, AI initiatives and the lingering pandemic remote work efforts, the idea of what any “manager” role today has been completely altered.

Organizations must now realize that hiring new managers into your organization require making teams more successful than in the past, prior to the pandemic. their role in coaching has also dramatically changed.

To succeed, organizations must re-define a manager’s role. Case studies with Standard Chartered, IBM, and Telstra reveal these organizations help managers develop new skills, alter long standing processes yet also redefine roles and responsibilities in order to strengthen new organizational priorities.