Contagious: Why Things Catch On by Jonah Berger. I was really looking forward to Contagious as my followup to his excellent book The Catalyst. Jonah is a marketing professor at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.

However, I found this does not hold the same spark. Actually, Contagious is really about common sense that most already understand. Many suggest a Malcolm Gladwell book which can share these ideas in his more impactful style. Perhaps they are correct.
But the world is much different for college students still facing COVID in 2022. For example, the quick use of Discord by college classes.
Here is a sample of how attempting to create an idea that will certainly catch on with college students meets hacking in 2022. In skipping the well established LMS for the cool features that appeals to students, it is only then that FERPA data has leaked across Discord servers. In addition, those same servers are running malware including drive by attacks on browsers. The malware is proving to also steal student’s data including their personal identifiable data and in many cases digital money used across Discord.