Education Milwaukee Reading

Latest read: Mozart’s Wife

I picked up a couple of books including Mozart’s Wife after a long period (maybe a year) when I spent more time listening to his music than reading about his interesting life.
Mozart’s WifeIn my previous Mozart book post it was great to learn more about him from a scholastic point of view….building upon previous reads….but I came across Mozart’s Wife by Juliet Waldron. Historical fiction and romance?

Giddy sugarplum or calculating bitch? Did I miss author Juliet Waldron on Springer?

Providing a fictional account of Constanze life. Some parts more interesting than others.

Not really compelling enough for me. I may consider Anges Selby’s “Constanze, Mozart’s Beloved” but today I picked up Mozart and the Enlightenment (again) and re-read a chapter about his opera Cosi fan tutte. It is truly a great opera!

Education Reading

Latest read: Mozart

As a fan of his music this book by Peter Gay Mozart (A Penguin Life) has proved to be of a surprise. Gay is able to account for more personal writings of both Wolfgang and his father than other books regarding Mozart that I have read.
mozartIt was not until I was almost half way through before everything began to get interesting in new documented relationships Mozart established with so many while traveling Europe and how frugal nobles were to both his sister and him while their father was establishing his own private audiences with royals.

This was also more of an acknowledgement of Solomon’s book and even the most recent writings and hit movie. The previously unknown story of how he withheld the death of his mother who was traveling with him showed new sources that have not been known to me previously. In the end Gay’s book will bolster the knowledge and lifestyle of Mozart and his family lead for any fan.

Education Reading

Latest read: Nixon in Winter

Was looking forward to Monica Crowley’s Nixon in Winter : His Final Revelations about Diplomacy, Watergate, and Life out of the Arena for any Watergate insight but failed to learn anything new outside of Nixon’s predictable thought and opinions on the issue that killed his presidency . I was somewhat more interested in his insights on Vietnam.
Nixon in WinterSo what I learned was the impact of Vietnam and ultimately how it was just another part of the downfall of Nixon. I believe Nixon’s secret invasion of Cambodia which lead to campus protests, really ignited the anti-war movement and as a result began the actions of CREEP. He promised if elected he would bring peace to America, yet most Americans did not realize the resources North Vietnam used in Cambodia.

The most revealing was Crowley’s view of the Nixon’s and how he was so attached to Pat, especially when of her physical failures resulting from cancer. The insight of his devotion to her was true. In recalling video of Nixon weeping openly at her funeral somehow proved he was human in a moment of loss.

Overall this final revelation about Watergate proved little value. If memory serves me correctly this is now my 14th book about Watergate. Not sure I will pickup Crowley’s other book Nixon off the record.

Education Reading Vietnam War

Latest read: 1968 The year that rocked the world

1968: The Year That Rocked the World. What a strange year…even from an American point of view. What do you remember? — I was two years old.

For most Americans 1968 was this series of events: The assassinations of MLK and RFK, The Prague Spring, USS Pueblo, Tet, The My Lai massacre, Civil Rights Act, Student protests, Apollo 6 & The death of Yuri Gagarin. The political election of Nixon, Wallace, McCarthy, Humphrey, Rockefeller, Reagan, Romney, McGovern and even Pigasus.

On a “smaller” scale: Onassis marries Kennedy, Saddam Hussein’s coup d’etat brings the Ba’tathists into power, US Army Deputy Operations officer Colin Powell wrote denials of initial reports regarding the My Lai massacre.
–Even Hypertext (aka – the web) was publicly demonstrated by Doug Englebart in 1968.

Clearly 1968 changed the world…
After finishing Mark Kurlansky’s book I realize the biggest global ‘event’ was the student protest movement. From France, Poland, Mexico, Greece, Czechoslovakia to America. –Where have all student protest gone forty years later?