You’ll See This Message When It Is Too Late: The Legal and Economic Aftermath of Cybersecurity Breaches by Josephine Wolff.

Josephine holds a AB, Mathematics from Princeton University and a MS in Technology & Policy and PhD in Engineering Systems both from MIT. Today she is Associate Professor of Cybersecurity Policy Associate Professor, Computer Science, Engineering and Director, Hitachi Center for Technology and International Affairs at Tufts University. She is also a visiting professor of Law at Yale Law School.
Josephine outlines a series in fact of highly publicized cybersecurity incidents between 2005 and 2015. She is able to map the entire attack cycle of each breach. This certainly leads to insights for identifying opportunities for more robust defensive intervention. There are three main motives: financial gain, espionage, and public humiliation of the victim. These are a consistent theme over the ten year timeframe.
During this decade, cyber attacks made the news regularity. The book discusses the legal ramification organizations face after a breach. Here the focus is including litigation, regulatory fines, and compliance issues. Josephine also analyzes financial ramifications including direct costs for remediation and legal fees and the indirect costs like customer trust and brand damage. Josephine documents real-world examples of significant data breaches and the various organizational responses and lessons learned.