Design Education Innovation Network Reading Rich media Tablet Technology Virtual Reality

The New “Magazine”

Apple’s iPad is already changing the landscape of print.  This example seems to show how interactive a magazine can should be in the digital age.

Tags: iPad, magazine, Tablet, design, media player, innovation, trends

Design Education Innovation Milwaukee Smartphone Tablet Technology

Apple design in 30 years

I have been very fortunate to have worked at Apple as a System Engineer during the introduction of some of the products in this visualization.  Apple has really moved into the arena of design + technology as their recent products have proved…since so many companies both in and out of the computer business have stolen copied Apple’s lead in design, computing and communcation.  Many Apple fanboy videos are just terrible.  This one is short and smooth.

Tags: Apple, Inc., design, Mac, Newton, iPod, iPhone, iPad, trends


State of the Internet

A fun, visual-rich view of the overwhelming numbers being produced on the internet today:


Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

Movable Type’s just released version 5 looks like an exact theft copy of WordPress:

Tags: Movable Type, WordPress, imitation, Design, trends

Design Education Globalization Innovation Rich media Tablet Technology

Sports Illustrated Tablet

Sports Illustrated is highlighting a forthcoming tablet from Time Inc. It looks interesting but what is Time’s market for this type of product with their brands?  How does a subscription their publications justify the hardware and annual subscription fees?  Who is their wireless provider, how do I sync it to my laptop and what about DRM?
Sure any designer worth a grain of salt can redesign a magazine…Let the Tablet games begin!

Tags: Sports Illustrated, Time, Inc., Tablet, design, wireless, magazine, trends