Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness by Richard Thaler, and Cass Sunstein. At the time of publication both Thaler and Sustain were faculty at the University of Chicago. Cass departed for a role in the Obama Administration then began teaching at Harvard. In addition, Richard won the Nobel prize in economics in 2017.

Nudge certainly brings out the small, subtle pushes that our modern-day world makes in swaying one’s opinion or real-world choices.
I was certainly finding myself laughing at passages between Thaler and Sunstein, really enjoying their work very much
Admittedly, stepping back from the often suggested, and overused technology ‘hammer-and-nail’ approach to computer problems, we unquestionably desire to simply change behaviors.
Within Part 1: Humans and Econs / Section 3: Following the Herd Thaler displays how priming may be worth your consideration.
Comparatively, the choices we on a daily basis are proving to be often poor. Nudge certainly helps us identify how we make these choices.
On the other hand, the surprise by Richard and Cass, our choices are really never presented in a neutral way. Nevertheless, this is how we become susceptible to biases, which may lead us to make poor decisions.