Education Globalization Reading Technology

Latest read: China Shakes the world

I found myself fascinated by China Shakes the World: A Titan’s Rise and Troubled Future – and the Challenge for America by James Kynge. Yet most of the time I was also infuriated over how America has fallen asleep regarding China’s threat to our economy.  Kynge has written an excellent book that should be read by every school teacher, mayor and businessman.

It was my goal to finish this book before the end of the summer Olympic games.  But I needed time to finish Randy Pauch‘s one of a king book The Last Lecture (review is here) so this week was plenty of time to complete this book.

Infuriating?  Yes Kynge shares a startling story about how the Chinese almost secured the assets to the American company that produces stealth coating to the B-2 bomber.  Yes THAT Stealth Bomber.  Now are you interested in what Hynge has to say?  It was Financial Time’s Book of the Year.

So how does America’s secret stealth technology (a skin made with highly specialized thermoplastics and composites which are radar-absorbent) come within arms reach of the communist Chinese?  Did they try to steal it?   No, they almost purchased the technology outright.

What about pirating and corporate espionage? China plays this game very well too.  And based upon the communist’s approach to banking, well lets just say their idea of business as usual includes very loose, corrupt accounting…kinda reminds me of Enron.

If you are frustrated with the RIAA’s music lawsuits against college kids encourage the RIAA to go to source in this matter: China.  The Chinese have truly become the world’s leading Pirate Nation. A word of note to the music and movie industry: Do you really believe your lawsuits against college kids is making a dent in your attempt to stop pirating?  Go to China.

The Chinese impact
It’s not on the gold medal stand in women’s gymnastics.  As the saying goes … if your not cheating, your not winning.  Regardless, it was the American gymnast Sacromone who fell of the beam and floor exercise that cost the team gold medal.  I know the Olympics bring out national pride. We all feel good about cheering for our athletes during the 16 days of competition.  But what about the other 349 days of 2008?

Design Education Globalization Google Milwaukee Network Reading Technology

Latest read: Competing on Analytics

How can you compete today in a globalized, highly competitive world? One very smart solution: Analytics. From Google and Amazon to the Boston Red Sox organizations (yes sports teams included) are succeeding by competing on analytics with proven results. Just ask the Yankees…
competing on analyticsCompeting on Analytics: The New Science of Winning from Harvard Business School Press is simply a must read for your organization. New data analysis tools and the internet have changed the rules for competition.

This book is not about Google Analytics. This book has a focus on business intelligence, analysis and data reporting that changed the competitive landscape. Consider this NY Times article about the use of analytics in the Boston Celtics organization.

It would be a mistake to think your organization is immune to the lessons shared in this book. I was even surprised how poorly my former employers rate in this book. Some feel colleges need not apply business intelligence to admissions, continuing education, communication and strategic planning. This book proves that notion dead on arrival.

The shift in data gathering tools and enhanced analysis proves this a key tool for any organization moving forward in a tough economy and market with a shrinking pool of customers. Your probably losing prospects to your competition as a result of analytics and business intelligence conveyed in smart communication.

Michael McIntyre taught me lessons regarding You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know (YDKWYDK) and how it deeply impacts organizations. The single key to winning with analytics is the total support by the CEO — from the top down — and this is where most organizations simply fail.

Design Education Globalization Milwaukee Network Technology WiscNet

Learning to change

Join educators Tuesday and Wednesday for the 2008 Future Technologies Conference at Monona Terrace in Madison Wisconsin.

Tags: WiscNet, Education, Learning, community, globalization, trends

Design Education Globalization Internet2 Milwaukee Network OpenSource Technology WiscNet

Internet2: Re-invent

i2 reinventInternet2 is looking to re-invent its mission. The organization is now 10 years old, celebrating a decade of advancement in Chicago in December of 2006. Internet2 will engage the community…and will benefit from the wisdom of crowds. It appears some of the reason to re-invent comes from the failed merge with the National Lambda Rail and also from the emerging impact of Web2.0 solutions for individuals and in the enterprise.

In higher education the opportunity to collaborative remains a big challenge due to the fact that working collaboratively now extends across the globe. In the end the fast changing globalized world will benefit from educational institutions empowered by advanced networks. By the way … Internet2’s CEO Doug Van Houweling will be speaking in Madison at WiscNet‘s Future Technologies Conference.

Tags: Internet2, WiscNet, Doug Van Houweling, community, globalization, trends

Education Network Reading Technology

Latest read: Linked

The internet and the global economy are tied together by a series of network hubs, or links as explained by Albert-Lasziò Barabàsi’s book Linked: How Everything Is Connected to Everything Else and What It Means.
Linked: How Everything Is Connected to Everything Else and What It Means for Business, Science, and Everyday Life by Albert-laszlo Barabasi

The knowledge economy is really the network economy and his book is a good read to understand how networks, both physical and human are connecting everything – everyday – everywhere….in just 15 links (his reference for chapters) and how business, education, government and society can benefit by taking a closer look at how our linked world is really connected.

Ever play the game six degrees of Kevin Bacon? On the internet, links to every document are just nineteen links as noted by Lasziò Barabàsi, a Professor of Physics at the University of Notre Dame.

You can view this book as a more technical, networked version of Malcolm Gladwell‘s outstanding book The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference. Gladwell explains how small events can transform people, trends and events. Its a great read for anyone looking to expand their understanding of how our linked world is tied together in unique ways.

I was interested to learn how Laszio Barabasi’s approach to power grids (Miami power failure) and the scale approach to al Qaeda all focus on networks and power hubs as true, real-world approaches to solving global problems. This book will make you look at your organization, mission and networking opportunities (social) in a new more focused perspective.