The Hospital: Life, Death, and Dollars in a Small American Town
by Brian Alexander. This book is a powerful story involving the small city of Bryan in Northwest Ohio. The local hospital and the collapse of the American healthcare following the 2008 recession is tragic.

Growing up in Northwest Ohio, this book feels personal. As if it was written about a town just west of home. It was, an hour west of Lucas County heading to Chicago on the Ohio turnpike. In addition, I have not read a book that clearly conveys the struggles and failure of our country’s healthcare system. As many health professionals, doctors, government, and community business leaders admit throughout the book, there is no healthcare ‘system’ in America today for those working multiple jobs who still cannot afford healthcare offered by their employer.
There is no healthcare ‘system’ in America today. Many health professionals, doctors, government, and community business leaders admit throughout the book.
Many working multiple jobs still cannot afford healthcare offered by their employer. The abuse heroin along with stunning numbers of citizens with diabetes is frankly depressing in itself. Yet, it is depression that is leading to a rise in suicides across Williams County. Guns, drugs, or rope are the tool around Williams County. Men and women, mothers and fathers from their early 20s to their late 60s. It proves that suicide, like COVID is spreading without restriction across Northwest Ohio.
Brian writes difficult stories of many failing to survive the 2008 recession. Keith Swihart, is just one of many who struggles with holding a down job while in declining health. He is one of many who do not have basic income to acquire medical prescriptions including insulin.