The Datapreneurs: The Promise of AI and the Creators Building Our Future by Bob Muglia and Steve Hamm.

Bob spent 23 years at Microsoft starting the SQL Server business. He managed the Visual Studio, Office, and Windows Server Divisions. From 2007 to 2011 he was President of Microsoft’s Server & Tools Division. He departed for short stays at Juniper and Snowflake. Today Bob serves as a board member at several AI startups: Fivetran, Fauna, Docugami, Julia Computing, and RelationalAI.
The Datapreneurs should have been split into two books. The first (and highly recommended) would be a history of database technology. Bob is providing amazingly experiences and insights tracing database services back to the early 1950s. He would certainly provide learning experiences from his role at Microsoft. Many will be benefitting from his working knowledge of data. It helps explain the fast changing database marketplace we see today. He is certainly accurately mapping the modern data stack. Regrettably, the second book would address hyping AI startups where one has a financial stake as a board member, consultant, or advisor.. His implicit bias clearly obscures their AI service and reputation.