Artificial Intelligence Education Reading

Latest Read: Artificial General Intelligence

Artificial General Intelligence by Julian Togelius.

Artificial General Intelligence by Julian Togelius

Julian holds a BA in Philosophy, Computer Science, and Psychology from Lund University, MSc from the University of Sussex, and a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Essex. He was an associate professor at the Center for Computer Games Research, IT University of Copenhagen. Today he is an associate professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the New York University.

This book is a wide overview of the concept of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) which predicts AI will hold the ability to understand, learn, and apply knowledge like humans.

I certainly found this book very enjoyable to read about where the general direction of a robust AI will impact society. There are of course examples today including Google’s Go which not only defeated the world’s greatest Go player, but generated moves that caught all humans off guard. Yet that same AI system cannot beat you in Tetris.

Dzejla and Emin are certainly providing a complex topic in a friendly manner to make complex concepts easy to understand. Readers will learn about deploying the correct type of database solution for your organization’s applications. This was a very enjoyable book to read.

Artificial Intelligence Education Reading

Latest Read: How AI Works

How AI Works: From Sorcery to Science by Ronald T. Kneusel.

How AI Works: From Sorcery to Science by Ronald T. Kneusel

Ron holds a Ms in Physics from Michigan State University and a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Colorado Boulder. He is a senior data scientist at the Harris Corporation.

This book is one of a select few that address AI for anyone new to the world of this technology. Ron is presenting the right explanation of AI components and teaches users how to see all the pieces together.

The most inviting aspect of his work is there is not a single math equation to confront. Perhaps even more striking (and inviting) readers do not need any understanding of computer programming. Yet, it would be misleading to then think users will not really learn about AI. Ron certainly is delivering without the math and coding.

Readers will be introduced to the relationships of AI’s umbrella components machine learning, and deep learning. To start, Ron is also addressing the history of AI and why now a true revolution has started which will have large impacts across society. This includes the rise of neural networks, how they are trained, and how the magic of ChatGPT works.

Artificial Intelligence Education Innovation Reading

Latest Read: Brave New Worlds

Brave New Words: How AI Will Revolutionize Education by Salman Khan.

Brave New Words: How AI Will Revolutionize Education by Salman Khan

Sal holds BS in both mathematics and electrical engineering from MIT. He holds a MS in electrical engineering also from MIT with a MBA from Harvard Business School. Sal founded Khan Academy after tutoring his cousin in mathematics in 2004 and launched online video tutorials in 2006.

He wrote Brave New Worlds in fact for general audiences to teach them about the AI revolution in education. He addresses the implications for parents and how to best address AI for good. Sal starts simple with ChatGPT, showing how it will transform learning. In fact, there is a roadmap addressing teachers, parents, and even students on how to engage our AI world. Sal demonstrates his AI-powered tutoring service Khanmigo which was obviously developed by Khan Academy.

Readers will also appreciate this is not an AI technology book. Sal is laying out the impact upon our society and implications from educational administrators, teachers, and guidance counselors, to hiring managers. Companies will certainly demand employees be AI aware in their education to make their workplace competitive.

Education Innovation Reading Technology

Latest Read: HBR Guide to Critical Thinking

HBR Guide to Critical Thinking by Harvard Business Review. The ‘HBR Guide’ series offers articles addressed in multiple sections. This is not a single author’s interpretation.

HBR Guide to Critical Thinking by Harvard Business Review

This offers a fresh restart to critical thinking. I welcome opportunities to make a re-start with new ideas and approaches in our pandemic world. This indeed provides a good starting point in developing skillsets. The ultimate goal of critical thinking by Helen Lee Bouygues is to think reflectively, objectively, and analytically about situations and problems.

I found Section One: Get in the Right Mindset – Article 3: Act Like a Scientist very engaging. We basically are testing assumptions. How can organizations address employees or customers who suggest underlying practices are out of date, costly or even obsolete? By investing in data analytics.

Like a scientist, you must become a knowledge skeptic. As we continue to confront the impact of the pandemic, remote work and large changes in business operations over the last three years, perhaps ‘the established way’ is no longer relevant. Add upon legacy practices are the new realities of regulatory and compliance mandates faced by organizations. this becomes challenging to confront the ‘why we believe this’ or searching to confirm if the evidence supports or challenges commonly held ideas and practices within your organization.

Artificial Intelligence Education Innovation Reading

Latest Read: What Is ChatGPT Doing and Why Does It Work?

What Is ChatGPT Doing and Why Does It Work? by Stephen Wolfram. Stephen Wolfram is a computer scientist and physicist. He was named a fellow of the American Mathematical Society and is currently an adjunct professor at the University of Illinois Department of Computer Science.

What Is ChatGPT Doing and Why Does It Work? by Stephen Wolfram

He holds a PhD in particle physics from the California Institute of Technology. Steven then began teaching at Caltech and was the youngest recipient of a MacArthur Fellowship at age 21.

In 1987 he created Wolfram Research and continues to serve as CEO developing both Mathematica and the Wolfram Alpha answer engine. Recently the company announced that Wolfram Alpha would integrate with ChatGPT.

In short, this book is perhaps the first worthy book to address ChatGPT with a full understanding of AI technology. Plus, Steven holds the ability to explain AI, algorithms and equations which will help the reader gain a much better (perhaps the best) understanding of ChatGPT.

Since the first public introduction in late 2022, many have simply asked how does this AI service function? Stephen in fact, lays out in very readable form, the background and basic understanding of neural net technologies. As a scientific discovery, this AI technology has certainly holds great potential to change computing with a potential huge downstream impact to society.