Moonwalking with Einstein: The Art and Science of Remembering Everything by Joshua Foer. For the most part, Joshua is a recognized freelance writer appearing in The New Yorker, National Geographic, Esquire, Slate, Outside, and the New York Times.

Joshua wrote a story regarding the US Memory Championship. He was so moved by the event, he spent the next year training to compete. Therefore this book reveals Joshua’s year long effort to learn mnemonics and memory palaces.
His book certainly conveys how you can sharpen your memory skills based upon techniques used by participants in the competition. Pretty cool insights.
Joshua’s abilities was certainly enhanced by interviewing contestants who befriended him. Above all, the memory palace chapter was a wonderful introduction into learning how you can create deep lasting memories regarding any topic.
At the same time, techniques to memorize complex mathematics was brilliant, yet a technique that I would struggle with in attempting to master. Yet, if there is a will – there is a way.