Introduction to Generative AI by Numa Dhamani and Maggie Engler.

Numa holds degrees in Physics and Chemistry from the University of Texas at Austin. She has served as the Principal Investigator on the United States Department of Defense’s research program. Today she is a Principal Machine Learning Engineer at
Numa is an adjunct instructor at Georgetown University.
Maggie holds Masters in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University. She is a safety team member at Inflection AI. Previously Maggie was a Data Science Fellow at the Center for New Data and a Senior Machine Learning Engineer at Twitter. Maggie is also an adjunct instructor at the University of Texas at Austin School of Information.
Perhaps this book should be required reading for any organization’s AI planning team. Yes, your AI staff should have this well understood. However Numa and Maggie convey a grounded understanding of large language models (LLMs). In addition, you will understand the new rush for integrating generative AI (Microsoft and OpenAI) into your organizational workflows. To be fair, they also are addressing organizational benefits, risks, and limitations.